Snack snack snacking!!!!


gunna be a fatty for ever
Hiya everyone!!

I have mentioned this before but i have a major problem with snacking!! Im not hungry at all but i just feel like eating basically!!!!

Obviously there are reasons, mainly boredom, stress, tired, had a row with other half etc!!

I was having a good look round last nite an found a very interesting sticky thread on the strugglers and restarters forum.

Its 3 articals from a medical expert in america about emotional eating. They are quite lenghty but once you have read them they are very valuable to my weight loss. I have woke up this morning in a new frame of mind!! When i go into kitchen i am stopping my self from opening the fridge door and i say to my self do i really feel hungry or am i just sick of watchin cebeebies? lol

So i just thought i'd mention it to you guys incase you havent discovered it yet!!
It will probably take u an hour or so to read but hey i wasnt snacking in this time!! lol

Hope you all have a fab day

Love katie :)
Cheers for that - will read when i have a spare hour ( hhmmm when will that be 2011 ?!!).

And i can empathise with the cbeebies!!

The only visits to the fridge allowed are for as blast of cold air to cool us down in this heat!! xx