So deflated!


Full Member
I feel so disheartened! I'm a Saturday morning weigher and not normally a sneaky peeker but I weighed myself on my scales this morning and have put on 2lb. Now I know that body weight fluctuates etc but I do weigh in the morning at class. I have done 3 zumba classes, 1 circuit class and 1 thump boxing class this week and I have had a good week, used all but 6 of my weeklies but have tracked everything. I do have an underactive thyroid and I know this makes it harder to lose weight, but surely shouldnt make me gain?! I feel so deflated and feel like I'll never shift this weight! :(
I have been doing the 3 zumba classes for a year, started the circuit class about 6 months ago and have been doing thump for 2 weeks so only really 1 extra class x
Wait and see what happens tomorrow, WW scales might weigh you lighter. Although mine were 2lbs up on Monday than they were on Tuesday
You may weigh lighter in the morning, im usually a few pounds heavier when i go to bed :(

Ive got an underactive thyroid to so its coming off slowly ive lost 16 lbs in 8 weeks but at least its moving.

Good luck x x