So I am back again!

Just watched Secret Eaters on Channel 4! It was a brother and sister on tonight who were adamant they didn't eat over the recommended daily calorie intake and the woman even said she thought she was a medical marvel because she wasn't eating much and gaining weight! I don't know if this is just me, but I know why I'm overweight and I know exactly what I've eaten to make me put weight on. Surely they can't be in that much denial or genuinely not realise how much they are eating? The woman had a chocolate bar or two a day, and a packet of crisps, plenty of wine etc. and the bloke always had take aways. Over the past few years I've done exactly the same as them but I recognise what's happened. Just can't get my head around how stunned they were to see exactly what they had been eating... Very odd!

Just getting ready for bed. OH just ordered himself a 'king kebab' which is chicken tikka, donner meat, lamb shish things in a massive naan and scoffed the whole lot in record time! I wasn't even bothered either haha! And I've just realised I've accidentally SS'd for the past 2 days and skipped my evening meal. Oops! I've just not fancied it after having all my products. I think the orange bars really fill a hole!
Felix said:
Hey everyone! Ha Bex I have the same problem with my computer allllll day today, nightmare!!

Just got home from work. Was very quiet today again. Had my annual appraisal and it went so well, I was expecting it to go badly! Very happy with myself :)

Just walked home from work and when I got in I felt really dizzy it was awful. I think it's definitely lack of water so I've just drank a big glass and now I'm having a lie down!

Diet is still going strong :D worked out I'm now on day 17! Looking forward to my next WI. Just weighed myself at 13.11 and a half so I'm steadily losing :) not long until I'll be back at my first goal of 12.7, which is the smallest I've ever been in my adult life (how depressing haha!!)

Definitely won't be long ;) glad the appraisal went well and your dizziness has passed. Am really miffed I missed secret eaters. Might try n catch it on 4od tomorrow. Got the homelands final i need to catch up on too x
Felix said:
Just watched Secret Eaters on Channel 4! It was a brother and sister on tonight who were adamant they didn't eat over the recommended daily calorie intake and the woman even said she thought she was a medical marvel because she wasn't eating much and gaining weight! I don't know if this is just me, but I know why I'm overweight and I know exactly what I've eaten to make me put weight on. Surely they can't be in that much denial or genuinely not realise how much they are eating? The woman had a chocolate bar or two a day, and a packet of crisps, plenty of wine etc. and the bloke always had take aways. Over the past few years I've done exactly the same as them but I recognise what's happened. Just can't get my head around how stunned they were to see exactly what they had been eating... Very odd!

Just getting ready for bed. OH just ordered himself a 'king kebab' which is chicken tikka, donner meat, lamb shish things in a massive naan and scoffed the whole lot in record time! I wasn't even bothered either haha! And I've just realised I've accidentally SS'd for the past 2 days and skipped my evening meal. Oops! I've just not fancied it after having all my products. I think the orange bars really fill a hole!

People like that are just in denial! What happened to oh thought he was doing cd too. You're doing great x
Oh god he's a nightmare haha! He's really annoying and can lose weight very easily. He started at the same time as me at around 16.13 and has had two drinking sessions and two kebabs since we started and is now at the low end of the 16's! Unlucky for him though he puts it on quite easily too. He's 6ft 4 and very broad so only has a little bit of weight to lose as he will look too skinny otherwise, but I don't think he's in a massive hurry to lose it so he's not too bothered. I think it's just pure laziness for him because he can just drink tetras in the day and then eat whatever I eat at night so he doesn't have to do anything himself haha!!!! Fair play to him though as he originally started dieting at 21 stone so has done pretty well in the past 2 years :)
Felix said:
Oh god he's a nightmare haha! He's really annoying and can lose weight very easily. He started at the same time as me at around 16.13 and has had two drinking sessions and two kebabs since we started and is now at the low end of the 16's! Unlucky for him though he puts it on quite easily too. He's 6ft 4 and very broad so only has a little bit of weight to lose as he will look too skinny otherwise, but I don't think he's in a massive hurry to lose it so he's not too bothered. I think it's just pure laziness for him because he can just drink tetras in the day and then eat whatever I eat at night so he doesn't have to do anything himself haha!!!! Fair play to him though as he originally started dieting at 21 stone so has done pretty well in the past 2 years :)

Doesn't bother men in the same way does it x
Certainly not 6ft4 men!

I didn't catch secret eaters but I can tell you I know how people do it. Unconscious eating is s habit I once had. Stress, emotional turmoil or plain exhaustion made me literally mentally black out, I would anchor myself by eating something heavy on the carbs so I would feel like I was reconnected to my body. I wouldn't register what I had eaten though ( for example a share size bag of sweets was my favourite! It wouldn't be until u found the empty bag that I would realise what I had done!) and on bad days I could do this twice a day! I even visited this dark place yesterday, thankfully I stopped myself before it was too late!

The other thing was portion size. If anyone has ever seen the diet plate you'll know what portion looks like and it's not what I used to eat! I am fairly certain they didn't eat it either!

What's your fella like with his king kebab. Ridonculous.
bettiesrevenge said:
Certainly not 6ft4 men!

I didn't catch secret eaters but I can tell you I know how people do it. Unconscious eating is s habit I once had. Stress, emotional turmoil or plain exhaustion made me literally mentally black out, I would anchor myself by eating something heavy on the carbs so I would feel like I was reconnected to my body. I wouldn't register what I had eaten though ( for example a share size bag of sweets was my favourite! It wouldn't be until u found the empty bag that I would realise what I had done!) and on bad days I could do this twice a day! I even visited this dark place yesterday, thankfully I stopped myself before it was too late!

The other thing was portion size. If anyone has ever seen the diet plate you'll know what portion looks like and it's not what I used to eat! I am fairly certain they didn't eat it either!

What's your fella like with his king kebab. Ridonculous.

I've seriously never heard of this before! I just can't get my head around it, but it's hard to understand something if it's never happened to you personally. I also struggle with portion sizes. I always cook too much food and have to put it all on the plate! It's something I really need to work at when I've finished CD.
Ahh gutted I missed that! Really wanted to see it, will watch on 4od. Portion size is a big thing for me too, really need to work on that. I think the 200cal meal helps with that, been eating off smaller plates, think might have to carry that on after diet.
Hi everyone! Day 18 in the bag! The days seem to be flying by now I'm past my first weigh in! Dont know if it's just me being silly but my work trousers felt a bit baggy today. And I looked in the mirror this morning and thought my stomach didn't look as big/wide but I've only lost 9lb so I'm not sure. Didn't take measurements when I started and wish I had, and photos!

Been a quiet day at work. So glad it's Friday tomorrow! Going home tomorrow night to my parents as its my nieces 4th birthday party on Saturday and my sister in law is also coming up from Stoke with my baby nephew so can't wait to see them and my other niece too! I've got my niece two Disney princess costumes as she's having a princess party, so I'm going to let her open them before the party. Can't wait to see her wearing them :)

Been really thirsty today and drank quite a lot of water. Had a stinking headache this morning but think it was from dehydration. Apart from that not much to report!
Hope that you've taken some pictures and measurements now for going forward??? x
So just got home from work and watching Hairy Bikers! Ive been really hungry today :( and ridiculously thirsty too! No idea why.. Had 2 shakes so far and will have my bar later. OH is driving me back to my parents house tonight when he finishes work. Really looking forward to seeing my family :D

This weekend is going to be such a struggle as my mum is an amazing cook and likes to make nice dinners when the family are about! She's always baking too and I know she made cupcakes last night so I'll have to avoid them like the plague... Whatever she cooks I will just have any protein and no carbs! Cant wait to go home though :)
have a lovely weekend Felix ...its always a struggle when were out of our normal enviroment huh....fingers crossed the cupcakes dont get ya;p x
Oh and seeing as though I forgot to take pics at the start, he's my 2 and a half weeks in pics! Horrible! The side one makes me feel sick, my arms are huge! And my arse and hips are massive!!!


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Felix said:
Also excuse the state of my mirror haha! Proper needs a good clean...

Lol!! Great to have pics to look back to tho hunni. Enjoy your weekend x
Rkmriddell said:
Lol!! Great to have pics to look back to tho hunni. Enjoy your weekend x

Oh my god I just clocked your stats! You lost 11pm in your first week back on cd. Phenomenal! Btw can I see your pictures please?
course you can - have sent you a friend request.... to be fair though i had seriously binged in the four weeks leading up to coming back on cd. Id pretty much maintained between coming of and that bit so a lot of it was just an instant bloat i reckon?? seriously what i ate was shameful lol x