So sick of people telling me ive lost enough weight!


I will know when I've lost enough and nothing you say will make me feel differently about it! Rant over
Feel exactly the same.
But your stats say you have another 4 stone to lose? & besides you know yourself how much you want and need to lose.

Everyone tells me i look a size 12 and that i don't need to lose anymore and its 'unhealthy' for me to stay on plan til christmas LOL,
nobody or nothing will stop me coming off this plan 1 second before i reach my goal of 11 stone.
Does it? My goal is 15st I'm currently at 15st12 I started at 21st5 11 weeks ago so I know I've lost a massive amount in a short time but seriously I'm 12 lbs off goal and the people closest to me are the ones telling me I should stop :/ I've one one this far this quickly I will not give up lol and you've done awesome mate :D tbh I think people are worried I will reach goal then think 'I could lose another stone' which if I do decide I want to then its because I WANT to oh we'll we live and learn x
I think people that tell me to stop now & that i look a size 12 and perfect the way i am, are just jealous.. they tend to be friends anyway, and the idea of me sticking something out until the end and possibly being slimmer than them somewhat threatens them. Very silly & very sad.
But like you, i've done amazing and i won't give up til the end.
I think people that tell me to stop now & that i look a size 12 and perfect the way i am, are just jealous.. they tend to be friends anyway, and the idea of me sticking something out until the end and possibly being slimmer than them somewhat threatens them. Very silly & very sad.
But like you, i've done amazing and i won't give up til the end.

i bet your getting all the WOW comments from people that dont see you all time huh? i have to admit i do appreciate people noticing ive made a massive change to myself. and i totally agree with you witht the friends. i went shopping last week and for the first time in about 7 years every pair of jeans i tried on fit (36waist) so i told my best friend and they were like **** i better start losing weight (because thats the same size they wear) i mean just be happy for us already!

and WOW on your commitment to see it through till xmas you will look amazing for all the XMAS partys :D

ive been 100% since i started and i feel amazing so screw everyone else
It's strange how everyone else seems to know better, granted I'm a way off looking like ice lost enough, but have still had the font lose too much comments, as well as the oh so helpful, you'll put it all back on - yep, I could, but I could with any diet I do, and frankly it'd take five times as long to lose on a different diet.

You've both done amazing, a real inspiration. I started at 20.5 and am down to 17.8 ( or 6, according to my consultants scales) after 9 weeks. So I'm aiming to follow you're lead
