
Femidom! lol

Ummm, no there aren't any others as far as I am aware, they asked about the coil, but that freaks me out too. Pill it is for me!
euuugh I knew someone whos coil grew into them so they had to have it surgically removed :/ yeh Im just going to stamp my feet, I dont care if my bones break, I want to stay on the depo! haha
I've haven't taken hormonal contraception since i was very young. It's contraindicated if you are obese - which i pretty much always have been since my mid twenties. Deep vein thrombosis etc - nasty.
Yehhh but the risks are so small and any medication/contraception has its risks, like most things in life really!

Cant worry about every possibility all the time!
It does reduce the risk of certain types of female cancers. But I'm with spangles on this!!!! X
I was on the pill before the depo, I went on depo as it was just so easy & don't have to think about much except booking an appt every 3 months.

Am going to have a long chat with docs about what to do ..
God it all sounds so complicated! Condoms with my man are so easy..... Other then size wise. Not to sound too smug ;) lol! I dunno......... Babies are on the cards for next couple of years so don't want anything long lasting!!!! X