:( someone please help me :( i cant diet to save my life :'(


im so fed up :0(
im 30 year old, have 3 children and weigh 13st 10 :'(
I cant ever seem to stick to a diet whether its slimming world, calorie counting or anything , im so fed up.
I cant live like this anymore :0(
I have just ordered a treadmill so hopefully that will help
I seem to start a diet every Monday then by wed iv give up, im constantlyl chopping and changing from slimming world to calorie counting.
can anyone shed any light please
Rather than diet - change the way you cook, the way you snack, do you eat plenty veggies & fruit less biscuits, cakes, crisps.. Even the low fat snacks are high in sugars... Look at how much you eat portion sizes; Track it on myfitnesspal.com - also a phone app!

Walk more :)

I've gone paleo /primal and when I stick to it - it really works :) keep trying to find a life style that suits you and your family.

I have 2 boys (6 & 3) and I'm almost 40... My kids now eat the same dinner as us adults - I only cook once.. My kids eat less "snack" foods as I don't buy them - school weeks sweets only on Fridays from the shop - none in the house :) - biscuits only one kind - the kind they like and I don't :) I buy rice and corn crackers, nuts ( not peanuts) loads of fruit for both boys and me :)

Finding what suits you is a journey of self discovery it can take years - but loosing weight takes twice the time it took to put it on ;)

Dieting may help take it off but when you start back eating in your old habits on it goes again! So find something that you can do so that you remove your old habits and keep the weight off., its not easy !!
I think you need to think carefully about what it is that makes you fall off plan and come up with a strategy for how you are going to deal with those moments in the future. Einstein said that insanity was constantly doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome. So what are you going to do differently this time? There's no point in continually switching plans if you just repeat the same patterns all the time.