Sorry if this is embarassing!!!


Full Member
Hi All, over the weeks I have been "going" less and less, and although I am not feeling uncomfortable it just doesn't seem right! I am drinking plenty and eating rhubarb several times a week but I get little result! I was wondering about going for a colonic irrigation? Yes I know it seems a bit drastic but it would let me know if I was "bunging up" or if I am not producing as much waste so don't need to go so much? Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, sorry to raise it before brekkie but this is the only bit of thinking time I get in the day before the family wake and the day starts!!
Hi All, over the weeks I have been "going" less and less, and although I am not feeling uncomfortable it just doesn't seem right! I am drinking plenty and eating rhubarb several times a week but I get little result! I was wondering about going for a colonic irrigation? Yes I know it seems a bit drastic but it would let me know if I was "bunging up" or if I am not producing as much waste so don't need to go so much? Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, sorry to raise it before brekkie but this is the only bit of thinking time I get in the day before the family wake and the day starts!!

Hmm, can't say I know how that feels, I've had to stop eating rhubarb due to the effect it was making on my digestive system :D.

If you aren't feeling uncomfortable then I would think that suggests your body has just adjusted and you don't need to go as much. Personally I have real concerns about colonic irrigation and I do think it sounds a little drastic.

A quick google tells me that its quite normal to go less frequently if you're eating a healthy unprocessed diet which is exactly what we are doing.

Keep up the rhubarb regularly and get your exercise. If your body needed to go it would tell you so that you would go or would feel uncomfortable if you were constipated.
I wont lie that I havent been as regular as I have been, but I am only in my first week so Im hoping it settles down once Im eating more veg on cruise.

Im not too sure about a colonic as the way forwards. Sometimes they can create more problems than they solve. Maybe perhaps try a fibre supplement first, theres loads of powdered ones you can put in drinks etc. I find something like that sorts me out
Pre dukan I used to go every day, without fail, now I go three to four days!! I think its normal with this diet!!
I'm "going" less often too although I love it when I do "go" as I'm sure I must weigh less .... logical INNIT?! ;)

P x
Less veg/fruit means less fibre, which means less poo! I tried colonic irrigation once a long time ago and hated it! I think that the only time you should resort to that or laxatives is if you start to feel uncomfortable and bloated. The amount of water we drink helps move things through, but we have a significant reduction in fibre normally, so that's why there is less poo

Hope this helps - I also felt this way before too and did some research so I know how you feel ;)

I have been struggling with ibs for years so in used to going up to 3 times a day!! Not anymore! :) once every few days if I'm lucky, it was a little unearving at first but I'm enjoying it now!! Sometimes carby food has hidden nasties that you can't tolorate and your body is appreciating you not having then anymore! :) hope that helps xx
Thanks guys, as always really helpful advice! I will hold back on the colonic and see how I go! it's so reassuring to know that its not just me!!
Definitely not just you, I only seem to now go every 3 - 4 days since being on this diet.
Have you tried a COLD glass of water first thing? Some swear by a strong coffee otherwise! Walking usually helps me. If desperate, take a dulcolax or something. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help. Overly lengthy attack periods don't help with this sort of thing, although it is perfectly normal to go less frequently with our reduced fiber intake. Also, alternating PV and PP days in cruise is helpful.

Wheatbran is now unfortunately a tolerated food but, in my day, it was fine to have a tablespoon each day with the oatbran in Cruise. Worth a try. (NB: wheatBRAN and not wheatGERM)

It would be good if you would fill out your signature so we can follow your progress.
Oooh will try the cold water thing, I drink a mug of black coffee every morning anyway, so just think how I would be if I didn't! Will have a go at loading stats but all my attempts to load a photo have ended in dismal failiure,IT is not one of my strengths!!
Mine either izzy, :)
Izzy, only got my ticker with the help of my son, he said it was easy...he just followed the instructions in the faq love to add a photo as its nice to put a face to who we talk to and other details but he won't help, he says I have to try, its easy and I wont learn if he does it for me grrrrrr.....wish I never learned him to fasten his shoe laces lol x
Thanks Pauline will give it a go. ooooo scary putting up photo, if I manage I'll also put on before photos, now and then again when on conso...
If you're in a real bind SF sweets are your friend. I've been uncomfortable for a week or so now but thanks to some SF gummi bears I'm feeling much lighter :)

Take it slowly with them though at first because they can be too effective if you over warning on the SF Jelly Belly jelly beans said start with maximum 8 beans to see what your tolerance is...8 teeny tiny beans!!! Treat with caution :p
Silver ooooo you make those bears sound very scary......
If we can get them hear I'll give them ago : -) I'll take your advice and start with 8 of the scary fellas x