squircle and the xenical adventure

avatar pic - so everyone can see how handsome I am!

Edit - looks like I must have posted enough - it's letting me upload now
I am not entirely sure what I expected a squircle to look like. More squirrel like I think....

Lol, neither woman nor squirrel!!!!
I'd already sussed you out....something you said a few days ago gave the game away. But I must admit, until then I thought you were a woman too :eek:
My first not so good day!

Wasn't feeling that good so stayed in bed most of the day and read a couple of books. Still managed to stick to the diet and took my tablets - if anything I haven't eaten enough today. This is a big change for me - usually when I have duvet days I'll binge and overeat quite badly.

Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and motivate myself to get up and go to the gym.

squircle the manly man who is a man ( just checking.........yup def man!) says goodnight - and I WILL SUCCEED
Sorry you've not been feeling so good today...but give yourself credit for sticking to the plan regardless. It's not easy when you're not feeling great.
Tomorrow is another day, hopefully you'll feel better, but if you don't, just carry on doing your best like you did today.
It's rare to have a 100% day or a 100% week, but as long as you do what you can, as much as you can, the battle will be won :)
oh not good about your not soooo good day, but at least you did binge on bad foods!!

You can do this and you will do this.
Hopefully you have woken feeling much better today
well done on not binging - obviously a biggie for many of us

hope you make it to the gym today (my gym day was yesterday)

H xx
How are you today Squircle? Hope you're feeling a bit better :)

I was having such a good day - went for a nice walk in the hills in the glourious sunshine and then got lost in the dark on the way back to the car and wandered the hills for 4 hours! on the positive side - loads of exercise and not a lot of food!
and then got lost in the dark on the way back to the car and wandered the hills for 4 hours!

OMG! :eek: Glad you got back safely! 4 hours is a long time to be wandering around in the dark. I bet you were knackered when you got back!
Oh well, all's well that ends well, and four hours bonus exercise won't do any harm eh?!
We could start a new slimming club. The "Wandering about for 4 hours in the dark with no food" Club. The weight would just drop off!

We could start a new slimming club. The "Wandering about for 4 hours in the dark with no food" Club. The weight would just drop off!

LOL - I could write a diet book on the weight loss properties of hypothermia and starvation in a wilderness environment!

After a very interesting day yesterday - hardly any food and no tablets at all - I've had an ok sort of day. Had a really bad headache and some indegestion, but I'm hoping that's just a side effect of missing the tablets for a day. Back on track with a healthy day and loads of water, but no exercise!

Did a shopping as well and treated myself to some muller rice, venison grill steaks and baxters soup. Bought one of those innocent vegetable pots for dinner - it was reduced to 45p or I wouldn't have bothered. It was a coconut curry one. Took 2 mouthfuls and chucked it! No wonder they had loads of them reduced - why anyone would pay £3 for that rubbish is beyond me! Had some Uncle Bens tandoori rice instead!

On the emotional side - still feeling ok and positive - not tempted at all just now and I'm confident about sticking to this for as long as I need to. I know I will have bad days and will binge, but not yet and hopefully not badly!

trying to add me facebook profile to this and when I do feel free to add me and stare at my pics

It was a coconut curry one. Took 2 mouthfuls and chucked it! No wonder they had loads of them reduced - why anyone would pay £3 for that rubbish is beyond me!
I did exactly that the other day, and I quite liked it actually ;) I can imagine that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea though, and it is a bit of a rip-off for what you get!

feel free to add me and stare at my pics
Well that's an offer I can't refuse! The link to my Facebook profile is under my username <<< if anyone wants to add me!