Step2 810kcal Starting again


Full Member
Hi, as my title says - I'm starting again. I'm only human and life can put hurdles in our way and unfortunately, I strayed off the plan and I'm nearly back to where I started. Last November I started on Step 2 810 and did very well losing two stones by March. I was looking forward to the summer holidays, looking better and enjoying a slimmer me, but not to be :(. I went on holiday and felt miserable, I was hot and tired and just wanted to come home. Monday October 1st was my intended date to start a new weight loss plan but that passed and now its the end of the month and I know my weight has gone up just in this time. The weather has changed, the evenings are darker, the TV's good but Christmas is coming and I've got a party to attend with an overnight stay so now is the time to get back on the plan!

This morning I visited my very understanding Counsellor and collected a weeks supply of shakes and porridge. Stepping on the scales and being measured again was nerve racking but I've done it so here I go :).

I have a very busy job as a hospital based midwife working a lot of night shifts but I intend to keep on track with the help of this diary and any help and advice I can get.
Best of luck Babynurse! You can do it! :)
First weigh-in yesterday and I've lost 5lbs! Very happy and motivated to carry on. Worked a night shift last night but didn't feel hungry. Drank plenty and went to bed after my porridge this morning. The first week was a day short due to work and my next weigh-in will be after 8 days but it doesn't matter as long as the scales keep showing my weight loss. I haven't told anyone that I'm doing this again so can't wait until someone notices.