Starting from scratch !!!!!

Can I please just clarify that it was not I that added the said items to the basket!!! Lol. X
Haha Anne that has just cracked me up!!! How hilarious! I have done weight watchers for the last 8 years on and off but I just used to use all my points up on wine chips baguettes and cakes so I would be absolutely starving the whole time and then end up caving to a cheeseburger or a massive roast every time I was hungover! As hard as not drinking wine is for me it seems to be working amazingly well for me- the all or nothing approach is definitely the way forward! Just think keeping it off when I stop is going to be the hardest bit!!! Xx
Well congratulations on making it to week 5. I'm only in my second week and already caved! X
Oh don't worry about that- I caved a couple of weeks ago at a work meal and got completely pissed. So long as you get back on it straight away you'll be fine! Don't worry if you eat something just try and avoid carbs if you do! You will get there eventually :) I found once I could have the bars it all got a lot easier! Now I have 2 lemon yogurt bars, one tetra and a small salad each day and feel tons better than the first couple if weeks. Do you have family? I always think that makes it a lot harder. I live on my own (well just with 1 flat mate) so has been fairly easy to clear out the temptations! Xxx
Got my 2nd weigh in tomorrow, not expecting anything off now that I've just scoffed a full roast beef dinner with roasties and yorkies.
It's Mother's Day though so I'm sure I can be forgiven. X
Well i avoided the roast dinner i cooked today, smelt loveley,,,, but hanging my head in shame ,,, drank a whole bottle of red , and 2 bottles of bud and half a large bag of doritos last night ,,,, really pissed off with myself !!!!! So today i have done the walk of shame ,,,, bloody hell i never cheated the first time round and to add insult to injury this is my first week , really wanted 5-7lbs off ,,,,,, will be lucky if its 2-3 lbs ,,,,,,,, bad start , must try harder !!! Weigh in is tue !
I "cheated" last night... I was nibbling extra cottage badass lmao

Luckily I'm not a drinker so the no alcohol thing is a non issue to me. The kid's food isn't that tempting either. I know my main stumbling blocks will be cheating within the allowed foods list (ie having more than I should). Meh.

I found on ww I was sensible, I mean I treated etc but didn't go crazy, plus I always had free soup available. Going to try and make chicken n leek soup this week, if that works out I will probs make it a lot and have it throughout the day. Will report back to you all on that one.

How about we all try for a 100% week? Everyone get back on track and push it. No sneaky serial weigh ins, just get on with it?
No way I could go all week with not weighing myself, it's as automatic as showering!! Lol. I'm hoping to stay focused this week, I've got a mini deadline of this dam wedding in two weeks time so it's giving me something to aim for.
Think the challenge of a whole week with mo cheating might be good!! :) x
That sounds like a good plan ,, got my hwad around my blip , feeling positive today and not hungry , so after weigh in tommorrow , no weighing and no cheating i want to see 12st's soin !, good luck !!
Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed it's enough to help keep you focused. X
Well i'm no optimistic for th great start i wanted . And not getting weighed until 7,30 so i shall do the walk of shame !!!! On a positive,,,,, i frightened myself by almost ruining things and its really given me a kick up the bum ,,,,,, i am now back in the zone and ready for summerv!!!!!!!, i would be happy with 4 lbs this week , next week will be much better ,,,, fingers crossed !!
On a bit of a downer today, I have nothing in my wardrobe except leggins that I can wear. So p##sed off with myself for allowing this to happen. Why do I never learn? I've got another stone and half to lose just to get myself back to the starting position of jan last year. Ffs, that's before the proper diet even starts!! Instead of this realisation spurring me on it just makes me want to sit on the sofa and stuff my face. :-(
You can do it!!!! Just think how fantastic it is to see those pounds coming off ! Don't think of how ling it may take , just think of one goid day after another to a slimmer uou !
I know exactly how your feeling , infact at the weekwnd i bought a bigger size pair of jeans ,,,,that i said i would never do again !!!.....I TOOK THEM BACK AND TOLD MYSELF NO,,,YOUR NOT GOING DOWN THIS ROAD AGAIN !
Come on pick yourself up, get rid of those dark thoughs!!! You can do it !
Ahhh, thanks for that. Don't know what's wrong with me today, I'm really on one with myself, I'm so surprised I haven't raided the goody box of emergency chocolate in the fridge!
When I lost weight before, I kept one pair of jeans, the largest pair I've ever owned. I can now only just get in them, it's really upset me, the knowledge that I've done this to myself.
I just wish I could wake up and feel normal! X
Me and my sister are complete opposite she is stick thin literally , and i can tell you now she isn'tvanymore happier with herself , no different to us !!!
The one thing i have learnt about myself ,,, i may be fat , but i don't dislike the person inside!!! I just need to start liking the outside again , and it will come ,,, in time !! When those jeans are loose again ,,,,, what an achievement !!!!!!don't give up , you resisted the goody jar , so there is inner strength there !!!
Now c'mon ,, get yourself back in that zone !!! We-re all in this together , when do you get weighed ???? Drink lots it helps flush the system out !! I goota say consultant is really good , even she says you can have a bad day everyweek and still lose weight ,,, i aint gonna lie when i did this plan last time , every fri night i had a bottle of red and a chicken salad kebab with garlic sauce (minus the pitta) i know its not kosher , but it kept me on track and i LOST every week , i didn't go carb crazy i tried to stay away from those things !
Me and my sister are complete opposite she is stick thin literally , and i can tell you now she isn'tvanymore happier with herself , no different to us !!! The one thing i have learnt about myself ,,, i may be fat , but i don't dislike the person inside!!! I just need to start liking the outside again , and it will come ,,, in time !! When those jeans are loose again ,,,,, what an achievement !!!!!!don't give up , you resisted the goody jar , so there is inner strength there !!!

I think this is a great way to look at things Julie! Your so right I've got lots of friends who are size ten but still not happy- at least I'm happy with other things in my life :) and id like to think I'm a nice person haha! Ian going to try an bear this is mind next time I'm feeling rubbish about myself!!
Ps brilliant weight loss Julie! I'm seriously debating if I can start introducing some wine back into my diet- maybe just on Friday nights- it's the hardest part for me!