starting vintage points tomorrow


Full Member
Currently sat with all my old books around me and going back to what I know works ,slimming world makes me feel poorly and I gained weight with WW pro points :-/
so just refreshing my brain with it all but looking forward to it after a wobbly start to Jan literally.V pleased to have a online ' check in' too here :)
downloaded couch to 5k though can't see me running for a while intend to alternate walking paces til find my feet and I do fitsteps on a Wed which I really enjoy.All exercise and a miracle as I'm going from 0 activity prior x
Same here! Really struggling to get back on the diet wagon after Christmas and have been going through all my old dieting books to see which one to do. Am getting weighed at we but will start vintage points tomorrow as well.
Welcome back to the club! Good luck to you both! Don't forget to check out the check-in point thread. Most of the chat stays in there!

I think there are quite a few people who struggled to get back on the wagon after Xmas, but we're all here to support you!

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Hi I'm a new one on this site and was wondering where I can get the full a-z food lists for the old points?