Stayed the Same - please help


Full Member
Just been to the Pharmacy and much to my surprise I have not put on weight! I had a real wobble this week with 2 days of cheating! :mad:

Any tips on staying motivated, please let me know!

Hiya, im the same went off it for 3 days this week, lost a pound. God knows how! Back on shakes now.. Iv done all sorts to try keep motivated! Lol.. Iv stuck Kim kardashian in a bikini on my fridge (don't think my husbands complaining!) wrote notes and stuck em
On every cupboard saying its not worth eating coz I'll only feel shocking on holiday sweating coz I'm massive! Changed background on my laptop of my head on a thin persons body lol.. Also brought a size 14 dress which iv never been able to wear and hung it on the door! Just need to keep reminding myself how uncomfy being fat is! It's soooo hard to overcome the hunger the first few days especially now I'm out of ketosis again, but just try and think what's being hungry compared to zipping a pair of jeans up and them not digging in?? X
Oh and ps.. Keep busy!! Lol x
Hi Sarah I am doing crazy things to, to keep myself motivated I have locked myself in my bedroom so when my daughter and her dad eats I don't see it. Everytime I go for a cig I walk round the street to back home again. Swapping unhealthy habit to a good exercise regime and also it's stopped me going out for a cig. I have took a photo of myself and put it on my iPhone semi naked. I'm always on my iPhone even now as I'm on the minimins app so everytime I see that disgusting photo it pushes me.
Lolol! I know isnt it ridiculous! Don't realise how much of a big part of our lives food is until ur not having it. I must say the last time I did this in 2008 I was a smoker and found it alot easier than I am now coz every time I was hungry id have a fag! X
I'm doing that now Sarah and smoking too much, hopefully after a few days I can cut back on them. I went the opposite and have a picture of myself when I lost a lot of weight with WW and keep looking at that
Ive done the photo as well sam! not a naked one.. just a really unflattering pic! keeps me going. x
I just stumbled across this, but this is how i'm coping I think - smoking! Hopefully when i'm goal weight I can give up the fags too! x
I'm the same Vadamay. My smoking has deffo increased