Stitches - witch hazel question

big bear

A bear on a mission!
Hi guys

I had some stitches on my lady bits after having Eryn. They are itching like crazy & are driving me nuts. Just wondered can I dab with distilled witch hazel & will this help the itching?

Otherwise what can I use....

I've been keeping the area clean & my bleeding isn't heavy (sorry tmi)

I haven't got a clue but just wanted to say Hi !!! Lovely to see you and how is my cyber grand child.
hugs xxxx
i wouldn't just in case it stings a bit, not the sort of place you can just run under the tap! :eek: also if they are dissolvable ones you don't want anything that make make the dissolve quicker than they normally would. i did the salt in the bath thing and cool water and flannel after every penny spent. and sorry if that was TMI but id stop reading now if you think it was :D when you go for a tinkle learn forward (till you forehead is about to touch the floor) keeps the flow of water away from the sore area.
hope you an bubs are doing well xxx
Hi Granny Sue, we're all doing well Eryn a good baby altho she likes sleeping in the day & up at nite. My son is adjusting well also & getting used 2 his little sister.

I have to say H has stepped up to the mark & been great. He's kept mil at a distance which is great & been getting up in the morning with the little ones so I get a few hrs sleep.

Jillymum thanks, its not sore or stingy just really itchy in a place that can't be scratched. I'll stick 2 salt baths me thinks in case it stings.
Hi, Huge congrats on your gorgeous bubs.

Can i suggest tea tree oil - put a couple of drops in bath.
Also some arnica tablets - for healing and reducing bruising.

It's been a number of years now since my children were born, but I always found that a luke warm bath with dettol or savlon in the water, cleared up any itching or 'pulling' when I had stitches - it helps the healing process too. X
Hi BB,

All of my friends who have had stitches have sworn by something called Badedas, it's something you add to the bath and you can get it from Boots (it is in a green bottle and has a picture of horse chestnuts on the front), also when you go for a pee, pour a jug of warm water over at the same time as it takes away some of the stinging.

