Stories to inspire: add yours


Two stories about that-
I lost a lot of weight a few years ago on Atkins (which doesn't work for me now but did then)
Anyway half way through diet I was at a wedding and as usual I was feeling fat and ugly. I noticed this pretty girl who looked like me and I thought now she's very like me but much better looking and much thinner. That's how I want to look. I went closer and it was a mirror. I was looking at myself! Now that was a great feeling!
Another night after I had lost the weight, I went out with my husband and we met up with some of his friends. One of the girls was really rude to me and kept drawing me daggers all night. She was being really horrible to my husband too and he was concerned. I was very upset by this as although I didn't know her well, I liked her and I had no idea what I had done to offend her. I eventualy decided to ask her if I'd done something to offend her and she was shocked. She thought my husband was out with another woman! So I'll be that other woman again soon!
ha ha i like it. will you keep still you keep hopping lol xxx