Strange Question, Long story.


Full Member
Hello Girlies,

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after a long and draining process of tests and nonsence.
Not getting periods didnt bother me much, infact I counted myself lucky (as I was told to on numerous occasions). But when my partner and I started talks of having a baby, I felt it time to get my body sorted.
I went to the doctor, and explained that it had been at least 20 months since I had had a period, and so he put me in for the tests. He then, after a further 2 months, told me I had PCOS.
He didnt give me an explanation of what caused it (I had to find for myself) and he didnt tell me where I stood, fertility-wise.
All I got from him, was a very smug 'You don't want periods anyway do you'.
Of course I did!!! I didn't feel like a woman, I felt completely helpless and found myself, slowly falling into depression.

I have now been on the pill for 3 months and have had a period like clock work, but I know that this is just false...that it isnt my body and there is still no chances of having a baby.

Is there any advice AT ALL any one can give me on what I can do next. I have tried weight loss, I have tried the ovulation tests etc and I also excersise like mad now. I want to have a baby more than anything.

How can I increase my chances? Should I go and see someone? If you have a similar story to mine, and you managed to get pregnant, How?

Thank you in advance

Desperate Me

i really feel for you , you sound just like my DIL, she was the same as you in not having periods ,and she really wanted a baby .she was 30 and had gone to the docs over the years and they just said if you not trying for a baby dont worry about:mad: she was single at the time but when she got married and was 30 years old , SHE WANTED A BABY and they put her on the pill:mad:

so she decided to try PREGCARE from the healthfood shop, it is full of all the things the body needs to get preggy

and after taking it for a while she had 4 periods one every month, and this was something that had never happened before, and on the fifth month she was PREGNANT:Dand now my granson is 7 months old
Hi :)

Wow, Dr's can be horrid. Is that a GP or an actual Gynaecologist?

I was diagnosed with ages ago. At the time (i was..14/15) they were a bit funny about "inside stuff" and fertility has NEVER been talked about o_O heyho... Not my shtick anyhow. (I'm not TTC whatsoever so you can take or leave this post :) - s'up to you)


What do you take, other than the pill? I was prescribed Metformin. I take 500mg 3x a day. It's originally a diabetes medication, however it levels out insulin and subsequently testosterone in women with PCOS. In doing so, it (for me at least) regulates periods through your OWN hormones (as opposed to the pill)! Ok so, they're still all over the fudging place but...THEY ARE THERE! Once they're there naturally... well, I assume it's a start, and increases the chances of ovulation and the like :)

Have a read if you like - Metformin for PCOS: Discover the Benefits and Side Effects of Glucophage.

The only problem with this is, not all GP's are aware of Metformin's use to 'treat' PCOS I found, you need to go prepared :)

Hope that helps a little :)
I was diagnosed with PCOS 12 years ago when I was 20 after trying to get pregnant for a year and being referred to a fertility specialist.
After this I was put on a range of medications clomid, and a series of injections that I cannot remember the name of. I got pregnant twice on the injections, one was an ectopic and after 4 years I finally had a little boy who is now 8. We tried again after this and had to go to IVF but after 3 expensive cycles were still unsuccessful.
I gave up and joined Slimming World lost 2 stone (still have about 3 to go) and moved to Canada. I dont know whether it was the weight loss, the chaos of the move or the Canadian air but I found out I was pregnant again just after moving and have just had another beautiful baby boy.
My advice would be to keep at your GP, tell him that you want to get pregnant and should not be on the pill, if this still does not work then ask him to refer you to a fertility specialist. If you need to lose weight I would really focus on that too as I know it is a big factor in the severity of PCOS symptoms, I always find that my periods are more frequent when my weight is lower.
Wishing you lots of luck