Struggling... what do I do?


Repeat Offender
I'm really struggling with Exante at the moment and I'm only just in my second week! The first week went ok, until it got to the weekend, which I had off completely but thankfully I still lost well and lost 7.75lbs that week. Today is my first day back after the weekend and I'm really struggling to be honest. I am hungry but most of all I just want to eat, not rubbish, just something, I've never missed calorie counting so much! But to be honest, I just really don't like doing Exante. I don't like the complete lack of choice and freedom, it's 100% or fail really, no shades of grey. Add onto that that I hate 2 of the soups (chicken and tomato) and can only just tolerate the mushroom and it doesn't exactly make me overly enthusiastic about it all! My plan was to do Exante for 1 month to kick start my losses again and then work up the plans and go back to calorie counting, possibly still staying low carb but now I don't know what to do because I'm just not liking it. So, do you guys think that I should...

- Stick with it because it's only 3 weeks so just suck it up and be as close to 100% as I can be
- Move up to Working Solution so that I still have a meal - either every day or just on the weekends (when I'm with my boyfriend) and days where I'm really struggling?
- Or just chuck in the towel and go back to calorie counting?

Thoughts and advice would be much appreciated.
I'd suggest setting yourself small rewards like a meal at weekends like you suggested but have a really good 5 days. You drinking enough fluid? Remember why you started exante in the first place. It's tough in the beginning but the results are worth it. If you give in you'd be disappointed in yourself. Keep strong-you can do it!
I'd suggest sticking to it TS during the week and WS over the weekend if you can. I know this is hard, so so hard. I'm struggling more than ever. I also succumbed to a Chinese, & chocolate over the weekend.

It's all about frame of mind for me. I'm either in it or I'm not. I get so frustrated with myself when I fail because I want this so badly yet I'm having more and more blips.

Why not try stick this week out, boost your losses once more then return to calorie counting, I'm going over to Atkins soon. Got a big blow out this weekend then atkins induction from Monday. So I've got today tues weds thurs of attempting 100% TS, it's kinda keeping me going thinking this isn't forever, it's a quick fix then I can go back to actually having a life without being riddled with guilt everytime something passes my lips.

Sorry I've not been much help xxxx
No you have been, I appreciate it. I think I'm going to try and stick to WS all week and then TS at the weekends. I know that if I stick with it, the hunger will go away and so it'll be easier on that front. It's only a few weeks, I really don't want to give up. I completely agree, it's about frame of mind and at the moment, I just can't seem to get into that frame of mind. Was offered take away tonight, was hard but I said no so maybe I'm getting somewhere!
Personally in your shoes id do WS think you will have more chance sticking to it n there's not a huge difference in losses. Plus it's short term for you before moving up the plans n you would have one less plan to work through

On a side note I detest the mushroom soup so bad I can't even have it n I love the chicken n quite like the tomatoe there's a swap page on Facebook apparently I can't find it but would happily swap u!
It looks like u were doing great on CC :)
I lace the soups with curry powder so they all taste the same to me lol xxxx
I had an ALMOST 100% day but turned down biscuits, cake, doughnuts and fish and chips and really, a few mini cocktail sausages could have been far worse!
It depends how quickly you want the weight loss. If you want it fastest, and you are 100% determined, then total solution is the way forward.
At times I have had to go to bed at 9pm so I don't raid the fridge. My belly has rumbled like there's a monster in there. I felt dizzy in the first couple of weeks, but the result on the scales is worth it!
As a yo yo dieter, I have always managed to find one excuse or another as to why I need to eat or to eat a certain thing. Like, I need to eat this massive bowl of pasta because I need the energy to go for a run... Then I don't go for a run. Or, I need to get pack of sandwiches in case I'm too busy for dinner... I always had dinner! For me, I like the fact that VLCDs are so black and white- there's strict rules with promises of great results if you keep to them. I don't have to worry planning meals or counting anything, it's all done in a sachet.
If you don't like the strict nature of exante then maybe TS at least isn't for you. Maybe going WS would be better?
I find the fact that I can't have food makes me want it more so Im doing ws. I did the first week ts and then ever since I have been ws. As long as I know Im having something at night I can cope in the day. Its not for everyone though because you have to be quite strict to have a low carb, low calorie meal and then thats it. See how it goes but I know I found the first 2 weeks the worst and now its getting easier.
I think you should do WS. I did TS a few months ago for about a week, was doing really well then had a massive binge and messed it all up. I'm really not finding WS that difficult yet and i'm on my 12th day now, i'm still losing pretty well (-4lbs in my first week, think that was the same as my first week of TS!) even though i'm having a meal every day. It's easier to socialise too as you can still eat! I haven't had a meal out yet, but i'm sure practically everywhere will do a plain chicken salad or something!

In the first few days I was slightly struggling, really due to the fact all I could think of to eat was eggs, ham etc which i'm not too fond of, don't hate them but just not a fan! I've been having this practically every day and it just tastes like a takeaway to me:

skinless chicken breast chopped into little pieces, fryed for a few mins in a tinyyy bit of low-cal spray then when the spray has gone, put a tablespoon of light soy sauce, couple of tablespoons of water, salt, garlic powder and loads of pepper, then "boil" it sort of in the wok for a few mins until the chicken is fully cooked. then put some stir fry veg in (beansprouts, pak choi, mushrooms etc) and cook for a couple of mins, if the wok gets a bit dry just add a teeny bit of water. I really like this, it might help keep you on track (thats if you like stir fry!) it doesn't taste like diet food and is only like 200-400 cals depending on how much chicken etc you use. :)
I've decided to keep going with TS in the week and to have WS at the weekends as it's nice to be able to sit and eat something with my boyfriend. I'm going to get in a couple of WS friendly things though so that if I do feel like I need something to eat, I can at least eat something that's Exante friendly rather than ruining it.
Good plan. I always have something in exante friendly just incase I want a nibble. Good luck xxxx
Feeling absolutely rubbish this afternoon/evening. Not sure if I'm getting ill, run down (I'm a trainee teacher so pretty busy) or it's just Exante. Have been to Sainsbury's and bought stuff for a low carb chicken and veg stir fry tonight because I feel like I need it and I'd rather have that than go off plan. Going to make this work, some how!
Least your consciously making healthier choices, well done! It's not easy but you will get back in track
I made a chicken stir fry tonight with courgette, carrot, broccoli, green beans and bean sprouts. Added in a splash of soy sauce and some piri piri spices and it was an AMAZING stir fry, even if I say so myself. It was only 275 calories and 3g of carbs, I know we're allowed 400 calories for a WS meal but 3g of carbs is ok right?
Good for you hun :) I've had a day from hell which resulted in wine & buffet (not low carb or low cal) creme egg and a latte. Blahhhh. I think it's time for me to migrate to Atkins. My romance with exante is coming to an end xxx
I made a chicken stir fry tonight with courgette, carrot, broccoli, green beans and bean sprouts. Added in a splash of soy sauce and some piri piri spices and it was an AMAZING stir fry, even if I say so myself. It was only 275 calories and 3g of carbs, I know we're allowed 400 calories for a WS meal but 3g of carbs is ok right?

They're lovely aren't they? :) helps me stick at the diet! xx
Caroline, I really admire the way you've found a way to make this plan work, it's the pleasure pain syndrome isn't it, on one hand you want the weight off on the other not eating is well...extremely difficult. Me and Exante didn't get on that well, like others have said I am in the camp of pretty much being happy to go on next to nothing all day as long as I can have something in the evenings to look forward to, so I moved to S & S and have found that 100 times easier to stick to and if I am honest my losses have prob been better as I've stuck to the plan 100%.

Good luck and keep your chin up xx
Well, I'm nothing to admire honestly, I ruined it all in the evening!