
The two plans are completely different, have you any ideas what the problem might be?
Hiya, how long did you do SW for?

WW is good for portion control and having what you like with in your allowence of points, but we learn that to be full we make healthy filling choices, also we can save upto 4 points a day to have for something like a meal out or night out etc as long ad they are used in the same week.

SW us good if you like large portions and I'm sorry it's been years since I did SW but I don't know much else.
Both plans are good and work but it's choosing a plan for life after goal that you can live in.

Motivation .....
Ask yourself
Why did I really want this
I want to be slim heathly as
What do I feel is really holding me back

mindset that's what we all need and I speak from 22 years of yoyoing, I'd also say mist of us on minimins and slimmers every where lack motivation from time to time,it's emotion eating and eating fir pleasure not because we need to eat is the hardest thing to relearn, everyday I argue with my inner fatty and have list very many times in the past , I hope theta no losing in my future as at 40 wasting 22 years stuck in my fat suit has been a lesson one that I never want to go over again

shout at us here we want you to do it as you deserve to :) xx
I think the trick is to find a plan that works for you and fits in with your lifestyle. It needs to be something that you can follow as a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

Motivation is a personal thing what motivates me may not work the same for you. But I agree with size10 your head had to be in the right place for any change in lifestyle. Maybe this is not the right time for you to be tackling your weight. If you really want to do this enough you can do it, write down the reasons why you want to lose weight, set yourself small achievable goals and reward yourself with non food rewards.

If you want this enough you can do it, good luck
Yep Vanda is right right but I'm sure you can do this, also remember exercise is a must long term to keep the weight off , I did no exercise before this ww plan and now I do 6 hours a week cardio, I dint have the biggest losses but my body shape has changed,also I'm a short arse so lose slow lol.. maybe an exercise plan could help motivate you?xx