

Full Member
I was meant to start the LP on Saturday but thought the weekend was a bad time to start as thats when I pick the most so I've started today.

I'm just about to cook my little ones dinner and I'm really struggling! I am so hungry!

Any advice?

Jo x
Drink water and keep busy look at clothes on net or read through the weigh in post it really keeps you going good luck first week is hard but does get easier
The first few days will be the hardest. Just distract yourself as much as possible and have yourself an early night! Before you know it you will be weighing in a week down the line and you will feel amazing once you see how much weight you have lost in a week!
I filled up on water and tea. I found the warmth of a cup of tea filled me up and settled my stomach more. Looking at the inspirational photographs on here and others weight loss achievements were a great help. I threw myself into a book for the first couple of days too and that helped me.

The best thing I found was to keep telling myself WHY I am doing this diet and how good I am going to feel when the weight starts coming off. I noticed a difference after only a couple of days, I was having to breathe out to keep my once tight trousers up :D

You can do it if you really want to :) Remember it is not going to be easy (once in ketosis is does get easier) but it is sure going to be worth it!