

New Member
Hi I'm new to this site, and relatively new to Slimming World. I have been following it for 5 weeks now and (last week) lost 7 1/2lbs - since then I just keep eating crap! So no doubt most, if not all have gained back. I struggle really badly with this. I love the plan and I know it works, I just need something to keep me going. I am 25 years old and I started 21stone 4lbs, I got down to 20stone 11lbs. I have struggled with weight all my life and went completely down hill 14 years ago when I lost my dad, I comfort ate to cope. I so desperately want to lose 9 stone! I was 16 stone a few years ago and I thought I was huge and it devastates me! Can anyone help/advise? Maybe an accountability buddy or something. I want to lose it by next August (if not most) as it is my childhood best friend's wedding, one where some from school will be there. I was always the fat and ugly friend. I want to wow people and give them the middle finger! Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
Sounds like you might be overwhelmed. Try to make one small change. Write everything down. Good or bad but anything that passes your lips, just write it down. That's all for now.
Hi I'm new to this site, and relatively new to Slimming World. I have been following it for 5 weeks now and (last week) lost 7 1/2lbs - since then I just keep eating crap! So no doubt most, if not all have gained back. I struggle really badly with this. I love the plan and I know it works, I just need something to keep me going. I am 25 years old and I started 21stone 4lbs, I got down to 20stone 11lbs. I have struggled with weight all my life and went completely down hill 14 years ago when I lost my dad, I comfort ate to cope. I so desperately want to lose 9 stone! I was 16 stone a few years ago and I thought I was huge and it devastates me! Can anyone help/advise? Maybe an accountability buddy or something. I want to lose it by next August (if not most) as it is my childhood best friend's wedding, one where some from school will be there. I was always the fat and ugly friend. I want to wow people and give them the middle finger! Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
Hi, welcome along, I am also doing SW too. I struggled the whole way through it because I put too much pressure of myself, have changed my attitude about it now and having been having steady losses recently. I would break it into little goals, thinking about it as a whole can be so overwhelming and feels like a very high mountain to climb.

Refocus, yes you have gone off plan (we all do) but what I have learned from the many inspirational people on here and my own mistakes, do not beat yourself up about it, you are human, you have had a long pattern of emotional eating, you recognise that, try and break that cycle of self-blaming, self-sabotaging. (I know not always easy)!!!

A lot of us keep a diary on here, it keeps you accountable, it can inspire others, it can help you identify all the barriers and everyday struggles. I learn so much about myself and others on here every day. Staying for your SW class can also be very useful too, but keep a record of all you eat!!!!

I wish you well on the rest of your weight loss journey, I am no expert but reach out if you need help x
Hi @PaigeJay I've got a similar amount of weight to shed. I'll keep you company.

I'm doing low carb/keto - you'll see my diary when you've got 50 posts.
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Think of this as an eating plan, not a diet.

The word diet = hunger in my eyes and I swear hunger is what sets the most of us off plan.

Write yourself a plan of action down. Write down what meals you would like. Also include a couple of quick meals that can be thrown together in case something happens and I always have a couple of SW meals in freezer...or something I can knock up in minutes to keep hunger away.

Have your healthy extras...they are there to keep you healthy. Your body needs calcium and fiber so they are important.

Make sure you have your syns in which ever form you want them. They are there so you can enjoy things or make your meals more exciting.

I cheer my wrap pizzas up with some light pesto or a bit of bbq sauce on a burger....or just have some crisps or chocolate...whatever makes you feel good and if its within allowance its perfectly fine.

Drink lots of water....this really helps...its so important. If you keep yourself hydrated well your body will more than likely let go more.

Personally...I find water boring, I drink it and I drink the most at nighttime. I buy frozen berries and half fill a pint glass and keep topping up with water through the evening. I drink it plain during the day. Whatever works.

Be mindful of salt, have it by all means...just be mindful. Its a git for fluid retention on me.

Make sure to have plenty of speed foods on your plates.

Eat regularly, you feel Dont let yourself go hungry. Keep the metabolism going!
Hey everyone,

Thank you for your comments. I know I can do it, it's just keeping myself motivated! I have weigh in today and after losing a stone last week, then messing up over the weekend with takeaways I know I'll put on too much - devastated and so worried to be weighed as I was so happy last week!

A lot of people are telling me to take each half stone at a time, which makes more sense and releases pressure on wanting to lose stone after stone! It is just hard. I know it is for everyone so I need to remember that and remember why I am trying to make this change.

I really want to start exercising but I have awful anxiety which is from my weight - think everyone is staring and looking at me etc. Fingers crossed for weigh day!
Hey everyone,

Thank you for your comments. I know I can do it, it's just keeping myself motivated! I have weigh in today and after losing a stone last week, then messing up over the weekend with takeaways I know I'll put on too much - devastated and so worried to be weighed as I was so happy last week!

A lot of people are telling me to take each half stone at a time, which makes more sense and releases pressure on wanting to lose stone after stone! It is just hard. I know it is for everyone so I need to remember that and remember why I am trying to make this change.

I really want to start exercising but I have awful anxiety which is from my weight - think everyone is staring and looking at me etc. Fingers crossed for weigh day!

If you are on Instagram, follow Trishas Transformation for motivation on getting started exercising
Hi PaigeJay.

I am in a similar boat. I am doing sw and have a lot to lose. I am down with being an accountability buddy. Also, there is a slimming world discord I am in, and people are so amazingly helpful. You got this!! It is hard but stay strong.

If you aren't familiar with discord I can help ya out. I use it on my phone. Really is a great place with amazing people.
Discord usually used for gaming coms, but discord either app on your phone or use on PC or both. There are text channels which are like chat rooms.