Extra Easy Stuck


Full Member
Hiya everyone

Been really stupid lately and not stuck to plan at all. I got fed up at work when my boss said I'm not allowed to have lunch at my desk (I work 10-2 so dont get a break) so been eating rubbish since as I am so hungry by the time I get home. Also I have joined a really good gym that I like to go as I finish work but can't workout properly as I have either just eaten as I eat walking to the car or no energy through not eating anything since breakfast about half 7.

Anybody have any ideas what I can do as I am so annoyed with myself and putting off restarting sw and going to the gym which is pathetic as its something so trivial but bugging me. The gym is on the way home from work so I would rather go as I finish work to save driving back again in the evening and by the time I have picked the little ones up from school and back in "mum" mode I can't be bothered after doing dinner, packed lunches, housework ect.

I would really appreciate any ideas xx
Hi Dipsy
Sorry to hear that things are difficult
Could you not prepare a cold lunch and eat it as you walk into work instead of eating on the way out of work?
That, I guess should keep you satisfied until after your workout, and eat something when you get in that has been pre- planned? Maybe having a banana or something between the gym and home?

I often make a large batch of super free soup that I have when I getting, whilst I'm cooking my 'proper' dinner, like having a starter 30mins before your main meal.

Hope you can work things out
Why r u not allowed lunch at ur desk? I work 9.30 -2.30 and I eat at my desk. If ur not allowed to eat at ur desk could u request a 15 min break? I generally take mugshots and lots of fruit/Alpen bars to work but if u r working out after u may need something more substantial
I was thinking you probably are allowed to have a cup of coffee or tea at your desk? If so why not make some superfree soup, put it in a thermos and when hungry stick it in your coffee mug? That way you are getting something to eat, it's free/superfree and it should keep you going for a bit.