***stunning 'beautiful bottoms' sunday

I have to say my day isn't going so well so far. Last night my OH and I decided we wanted to go out and have a drink since we rarely ever go out so I had a high carb meal to bring myself out of keto and had one drink. That one drink got me not only completely hammered (its not like I was drinking straight vodka here...) but super sick. I ended up falling down and cutting my leg and this morning I think I'm going to need to go in and get stitches. The unfortunate part is that its more upper leg towards the derriere so sitting is terrible...

So this morning - walking like an old lady, nursing a hangover, and in pain - awesome.

It can only get better from here right?
Hey Ase,

I made the mistake of having a "little" wine whilst on CD and ended up being very drunk. I will not take a sip again, until I've been well into maintenance. Sorry about the injury -- I hope you heal up fast.

afternoon girls
well a nice slow day here today
slept last night in a long nighty, pj bottoms, a fleece, inside a sleeping bag with 2 duvets, its soooo cold here
woke to find kaya had been sick yet again, poor kids reflux is awful at the moment, had to put cusions under her mattress to tilt her up a little, she really needs the profiling bed, gonna have to get on the phone and annoy the OT again
only one shake down so far and 2.5l of water, my reflux has come out in sympathy with kayas, knew there was a reason im meant to take my meds every day, lol
And that's why CD say no drinking while in ketosis! I think people really underestimate the effects of it. They don't do it to be mean. They don't do it to ruin your fun. Or because of the calories or weight difference. It's because it's just not safe. I hope that people who are considering having "one little drink" while in ketosis see your post Aseyan. Think how much worse it would be if you hadn't had that meal. Problem is just one meal before hand isn't enough, your body still isn't in a position to be able to cope. Just wondering, did you speak to your Consultant before hand? What was their advice?
Aww Claire I hope Kaya is feeling a bit better now. Any news on the heating?
no news yet caroline, have to call them again tomorrow as we apparently need the enginner and not a technitian ( ive no idea what the difference is )
The difference between and engineer and a technician -- what they charge?

I hope things look up soon Claire.

I don't know either, but that's terrible. I think you should make an official complaint, it's ridiculous. I'm really struggling today. I want normal food! But it's fine, it's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it....
I debated having an SS+ meal but then thinking about it, what's the point really. It's not actually going to make it any easier. Yes, maybe it's not a big difference in calories, it's about 70 because I have 4 anyway because I'm 5ft 9, but it's that whole ok so I give in now, what about tomorrow, what about the next time I feel like eating, where does it stop. I've decided to do SS so I think I should just stick to it. I'll have my final shake in a bit and go to bed!
And I understand why folks shouldn't drink while in keto which is why I worked so hard to bring me out of it that day. I had about 150 carbs. Apparently I'm not terribly carb sensitive or something.

The thing is I've never been a drinker, maybe a glass of wine with a meal but never irresponsibly so. Its really just an affirmation of why I don't drink!
Oh and to add insult to injury I retained 8 lb of water today, which added with the cramps means I'm going to have a fantastic TOTM! :(
I didn't mean it in an insulting way! You'd obviously thought about it, I'm just saying lots of people don't, and really regret it.

My housemate is cooking and it smells so good!!
Oh yeah, its definitely something people need to be aware of. Someone wrote an article about it in the FAQ thread that was actually pretty scary. I worry that people just wont think about it and will end up hurt or really sick.
well that was a fun evening. one girl into bed, 2 minutes solid of coughing and gagging and the vomiting started, really had enough of washing bed linen, changed her and her bed 3 times tonight, think im gonna take her to the gp tomorrow and see what the craic is
Hi Claire,

I'm so sorry Kaya is unwell. Please let us know what the doctor says.

CG -- I'm starting to think that we should enlist the assitance of our forensics expert friend and do something about your roomates! Heat off, cooking food, skinny wenches who complain about being overweight, etc.

Hi Ase, Sorry you're unwell. I think I'll go read that FAQ posting you mentioned. Just think of how much loss you'll show when your TOTM is finished.

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Hi folks :)

BlingBabe - very glad your heating is mended and you can be nice and warm tonight.

It seems to be the week for things happening round the house - my washer flooded the place today - fixed it myself as it was just the waste pipe popping off but washroom, kitchen, corridor, etc were all flooded. However, I mopped up, turned the heating off, opened a window and went out (picnic lunch with a friend, then cinema (sherlock holmes) then a walk, visited some other friends) and when i came back it was dry :)
Wasn't very amused with the Sherlock Holmes film.

Had a lecture from my friend about the diet and she said she was not going to be happy if I gave up. I had to assure her I had no intentions of giving up.

Roll on Thursday's weigh in!
MM I'm totally with you, I think we should too!
Hi Alex -- She sounds like a good friend. A lot of my friends kept telling me that I did not need to lose weight -- when I truly did. My DH and DS Loved the Holmes film -- so, I think it is a guy thing.

I'm glad you were able to fix the flood -- and got your floors cleaned in the process. LOL

I hope that today is a much better day.


CG -- I have a "do it yourself" voodoo kit. Maybe we could try that? I'll need a photo (to make the dolls look as much like them as possible), some of their hair, maybe fingernail clippings, a small bit of cast of clothing (that they've worn unwashed)...
