Such a long way to go :( Buddy anyone?

Well done! :D

Its my second weigh in on wednesday and yesterday went for a really long hike (uphill), backs of my legs are killing me today. I had a sneaky weigh this morning as I thought after all that walking I must have lost at least a stone! hahaha when to my horror I've gained almost 2lbs!!!! How can this be? I've stuck to the plan religiously. I made my husband weigh then and he has also gained some! I'm just hopeing its that water retention thing on the muscles!

I had a week like this not long ago and I read somewhere that you should drink a lot to flush yourself out, it worked for me and I ended up with a loss on my WI xx
Where abouts in the midlands are you? I am in Birmingham and go to the Olton friary. I joined in October, but missed a few sessions in December for various reasons and it has just been a slippy slope from there. I have put on everything I lost plus more!! I am going this week on Wednesday to get back on track. I kept kidding myself that I would just loose what I had put on then go back, yeah right! Been promising myself that since new years so, even though I will be mortified with myself, I am going on Wednesday - no excuses!! I got down to about 23 and a half stone but I reckon I am back up to where I started at 25 if not a bit more! Absolutely devastated with myself :( p.s. just thought I would add, I have at least 12 stone to loose and I know the feeling you have at the moment. I often think what is the point I will never be able to keep this going long enough to loose that much weight, but I think we either except it is going to be a long, slow. painful road with lots of bumps and set backs along the way, or we agree to give up and slowly watch the weight increase more and more. I think some part of me continues to look for a miracle fix, a diet I can do or a book I can read that will zap the fat over night, but the reality is that at times it will be hard, downright miserable sometimes, but for me I hope the small victories along the way will help to make all that worthwhile. Even stupid things like never having to shop in Evans again or being able to chase my dog in the park for longer than 100 yds without feeling like I might die!
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Hello everyone, can I please also join this little group? I can make you all feel better... just by telling you that I know, that when I join SW tomorrow I'm going to weigh in at around 23 stone! I'm so scared. I have not weight myself since, oo.. last summer some time. I know I'm going to be the heviest I've ever been and it's starting to really scare me.

I'm joining tomorrow. Never tried SW before. I really need help. I've tried dieting in the past, I usually lose a stone or 2, then get back into my old ways, and I end up where I was to start with and then gaining more.
I have to change now, I'm disgusted with myself, I'm only 24 years old. In fact, it's my 25th birthday this coming Friday.

I need help staying on this diet from tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!!
Britney don't be scared! You'll be fine. Just remember when you weigh tomorrow, it will be the last time you ever weigh that weight again, it's the highest you'll ever be because from tomorrow on, you will weigh less and less :)
Hi Britney
Hope you have a good first week! I had only ever tried WW before which never really worked for me, I find SW a lot easier xxx
I stayed the same this week :( bit disappointed but at least I lost that gain I had on Monday. I've stuck to the plan 100% so I can only think its time of the month approaching. Hopefully I'll have a better results next week. On a brighter note, I fitted on 2 pairs of jeans yesterday that I've had in my wardrobe for ages because I couldn't get them over my thighs and this morning the dress i put on for work is noticeably looser than the last time I wore it :D
Well, I did it! I joined tonight!! I weighed in at 21 stone 10.5 lbs. Not far off what I guessed. happy it wasnt as much as i guessed, understand i have some hard work ahead of me! Here's to being skinnnyyy!! lol!!
Hello there!!!

I've been lurking on here for a while now, and saw your post and thought I'd reply. I've been big forever and started this diet at the beginning of this year. Lost 2 stone but then went on hols and one thing after another and I'm back to where I was. I think. Haven't hopped on the scales yet. Eeek!!!

Before Xmas I was 16st 10, so it must have increased somewhat now. After all the choc etc.

I've decided I no longer want to be a big girl, and I'm forty in June and would love, for once to wear nice fitted clothes to work instead of loose fitting dark colours and worrying about how chubby I look all the time.

Have a lovely partner and we bought a lab puppy back in June, so am hoping that he will get me out exercising more and help the weight loss!!

Sorry, am rambling now but would like a Buddy myself!!


Hi Rach1973,

I see are same height and had sort of same starting weight. can we be weight lose buddies? I'm sure we could use all the support we can get.