Sugar :(

Reggaeton girl

New Member
This is like my 6th attempt to lose weight and I always seem to be defeated by the sugar monster :(

I mentioned in the intro section that I cannot give up chocolate..I dont like crisps really, and I can live without bread/pasta/potatoes quite happily, but to give up chocolatey things is hard...if i can't get my hands on chocolate (which i've tried) then it will be jam on toast or something similar sugary......

its one thing that really gets me down, and i've never been big on fruit but I love veggies...I am getting worried because diabetes runs in my family (both types) and when i've had my blood sugar levels tested they are usually not normal.

I really feel like i need to go cold turkey, but its like giving up smoking to me..

how long does it take for the choc/sugar cravings to leave cos i know it sounds silly but I can get moody/headache if i dont eat it lol :confused:
Hi there - sounds like you might be addicted to sugar. I'm addicted to carbs but luckily last year discovered low carb eating so it's finally under control after all these years:D When people stop having sugar and carbs it usually takes up to a week to get over the worst of carb withdrawal flu. Most people then feel good with lots of extra energy. If you want to try - come over to the atkins board and we can give you lots of support and advice. You do have to want to give it a good try though - but as a way of eating i can highly recommend it!

Oh and you dont have to avoid chocolate forever - i'm on maintenance and have sugar free choccies wheni fancy. Others have cocoa with cream or chocolate bark (cocnut oil with choclate).
the trick is to combat those cravings , eat more protien with your meals and you will find your sugar cravings will become less and less , message me if youd like some help with this. x
Hey. One of my customers told m to try cracker bread and Nutella. I was abit sceptic but it is really nice. And curbs my sweet tooth. Good luck!!
thank you, that nutella thing is funny cos i ate some raw hazlenuts and it kind of tasted like sweet and chocolaty, and reminded me of eating a ferero roche i'm stocking up on them.
its been 4 days now without any chocolate, and while x factor was on the bf had a massive bar of dairy milk, and kept teasing me and I didnt even want any :)
I used to be like that, couldn't go a day without getting some chocolate! I then started getting one of those Graze boxes weekly ; basically you get 4 little tubs of snacks, which I started to eat any time I was craving chocolate. Before long, I started craving the Graze boxes haha - you do still get chocolate in them though, but just the right amounts where you can still control your diet. I'd recommend having a little look at them, they are a bit pricey though, £3.94 per box I'm sure, but it should definitely help with the sugar cravings :)

Don't try avoid chocolate though, I'm sure that if you keep telling yourself it's bad and you shouldn't then you're more likely to indulge! Hope all goes well though and good luck with your weight loss :)
The best thing to do is to try an get it at the cause, and its possible you have candida in your gut. Have you ever been tested for it? It makes you crave a lot of sugar, moreso than is normal. You can get detoxes and stuff that can help with this. It may not be the only cause but it's certainly worth looking into. It's much easier to manage sugar when you aren't constantly craving it.
For my choc treat I buy fat free fromage frais, gelatine and Belgium options it makes a lovely chocolate mousse for 2 syns. Sorry have posted above but didn't mention gelatine to make it moussy.
Try having the following for breakfast and your craving for sugar should reduce. Soak some Oat Groats (unrefined oats) overnight in water with a little himalayan salt. Cook very slowly for about half an hour. When cooked mix in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil , some real cinammon (helps stabilise blood sugar) and nutmeg and a few juicy raisins. Have a large bowl of this and your done till lunch.