*Summergirls*Fat to Slim diary


Thanks, doing ok - on and off ATM in holiday mode already. Thought I'd be happy at 10 st but I'm not need to focus on getting to 9 st 7, possibly even 9 when I get back off hols - eeek that's frightening! Lowest I've ever been was 9 st 12 for my graduation, that was only for a few days!

How you feeling? Xx
where are u going nice ? You have come so far so reaching the 9's is very possible chick.
Im okish missing food so much I just need this week out of the way. Can't wait to shrink back into my clothes again lol x
Well here I am still I've been lurking but back to posting ive been off the diet cheated all week. Remained the same weight :) so here's to day 1 again. X