Super senses?


Silver Member
There is something really grinding my gears at the moment.......NOISY EATERS!! My hearing seems to have become sooo sensitive and I have just come to realise how noisy some people are when they eat. My colleague was driving me nuts this evening with the noise she was making as she was eating!! This has always been a bugbear of mine but, lately its been driving me insane as the noise seems to have amplified!!!!! Anyone else developed any bugbears or had them worsened!? Gahhhhhhh!!! :mad:
Hahaha I've always hated noisy eaters!! :D
Its not even a case of 'I'm on this diet and can't eat' ..My senses seem to have improved drastically - esp my hearing!
My sense of smell has become intense! I can pick out different ingredients in the smell of food cooking!
I have begun to notice things like this too, I hate watching people who are not nice eaters - gross.
My sense of smell has become intense! I can pick out different ingredients in the smell of food cooking!

Yes same here! It makes everything seem so much more appealing which is a nightmare :sigh:
flab-buster said:
Yes same here! It makes everything seem so much more appealing which is a nightmare :sigh:

I know, my housemate is obnoxious and cooks stir-fries at 11pm with the kitchen door open so the whole apartment reeks of it, it was rude when I was eating but now it's just torture!
I have begun to notice things like this too, I hate watching people who are not nice eaters - gross.

Same here, people that do that chewing thing that consists of opening their mouths to expose half chewed up food........GROSS!!!!!!! Its amazing how much more aware if things we all are!
When I was on the wagon (ahem... lol) I found I was very sensitive to the smell of sugar on my boyfriend's breath and the sugar in Coke etc. Everything just seemed to smell sickly-sweet! x
Ahhh its driving me nuts Samprand! I want to slap every noisy eater in sight!!!!! ....What do you mean 'was' on the wagon!? x
Ggggrrrr dirty noisy eaters I work with many of them slapping food around their mouths I will surly end up killing one of them one day lol xx
Ahhh its driving me nuts Samprand! I want to slap every noisy eater in sight!!!!! ....What do you mean 'was' on the wagon!? x

I was doing ok being 100% TS but it's all gone wrong lol I've not been on plan for more than 1 day for about a fortnight now :( But today's my turning point, or I'll never get back on plan! It drove me mad too hun, to the point where if I was sitting in bed with my boyfriend, I had to move away from him to get away from the smell x
Samprand said:
I was doing ok being 100% TS but it's all gone wrong lol I've not been on plan for more than 1 day for about a fortnight now :( But today's my turning point, or I'll never get back on plan! It drove me mad too hun, to the point where if I was sitting in bed with my boyfriend, I had to move away from him to get away from the smell x

Do u know what's got me back on, and been on a week now. I decided, what I was doing, diet, off diet etc was no way healthy and I felt it. So I told myself next time I cheat on this diet I an stopping it. One thing that passes my lips that's not meant to and I am not going to do diet any more and I want to do it so its keeping me going.... Good luck x
My best friend is an awfully loud eater and I have to say that drives me mad!! Its just soo not nice eeew!!

Time2go I'm like u too, I maybe allow myself one slip up but if it happens more than that I know its the beginning of the end for me...I never give up just change tact. Hence I am here lol!xx
Best of luck with it all Samprand. It is so hard sticking :( ..Im on day 27 now, I actually can't believe how quickly time is passing. I've had a little nibble on a few things along the way as well as 4 WS days. Im not panicking myself though - the worst thing you can do ias beat yourself up over having a bite to eat, it'll just make you want to eat more. The hardest thing about this diet is starting it, you've done that. Remember that tomorrow is another day, wipe the slate clean and start over :) xx
Ggggrrrr dirty noisy eaters I work with many of them slapping food around their mouths I will surly end up killing one of them one day lol xx

My colleagues drive me nuts too...One of them tends to eat a lot of soups.....Every mouthful is a SSLLLLUUUURRRPPPPPP!!!! It kills me!!! I just want to scream 'SHUT THE F*@! UP!!!!!!!!' Mr Lauriel is also a noisy eater he really smacks his lips...It too drives me to distraction :mad:
Lauriel lol!! Sat here and p@##ed myself reading your posts, I'm exactly the same.. Noisy eaters make me absolutely seethe, I used to work with someone who would eat his sandwiches so loud it was disgusting, I used to have to leave the office when he was on his dinner and I was sooooooo close one day to, like you so perfectly put it, telling him to shut the @#%@ up and close his mouth x-(

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