Surprising or shocking pro-point finds....

Asda mini sponge flans (box of 6) 2pp each. I made some ww jelly up, left it until its nearly set and spooned some over some strawberries on the flan - left for a few hours to set properly. Going to pour some vanilla yogurt over that I kept back from lunch. mmmmmm ;)
Oooo. I love super noodles. Bit more than a pot noodle (11pp iirc), but super good. That all flavour, or just the bacon ones?

yeah just the bacon! Not sure what the others are but I would say bacon would be one of the worst points wise

It definitely fills a hole. Worth the points if you do like them. I find that i'm just hungry again after a pot noodle lol :p
Mini kievs Bernard Matthews 1pp each or 8 for a bag of 8 YUM!

Mini kievs Bernard Matthews 1pp each or 8 for a bag of 8 YUM!


Oooooo, ile have to get some of them ....... Cheers :flirt2:
Tesco - Quiche Lorraine is 8points for a 125g piece ... soooo nice and it has that gorgeous crust ...... i know ww do them for 8points, but theirs is crustless ... and with tesco's, it feels naughty but your still in your points :flirt2:

Crumpet fans
Aldi do big fat ones .... 2pp's a crumpet and yes 4pp's for 2 not 5 :cool: .... ohhhh yes !!

Cereal bar fans
Mcvities medley bars -
The peanut ones are 3pp

Aldi chocolate orange cereal bars 2pp
Lidl chocolate banana musli bars 3pp
Almondy Dime bar cake.....Absolutely to DIE FOR!!!!!

But comes at a price........48 PP!!!! Or 12 for a 1/4!
That's actually much better than I thought - Love having this as a treat when I go to ikea and usually point their slice at 10, which is 1/8th :) NOM!
Mini kievs Bernard Matthews 1pp each or 8 for a bag of 8 YUM!
Don't want to throw a spanner in the works, but I eat these a lot and the electronic calculcator worked them out to be 6pp for a 100g portion (which is approximately 4 mini kievs). Confused now. lol. Still a reasonable amount of points though.
Oh :( I used another calculator and it said 8 for a bag of 8 :(

Oh :( I used another calculator and it said 8 for a bag of 8 :(
Really hope I'm wrong, to be honest...the amount of them I eat, it'd make life so much easier!
Just noticed though that they've increased the pack size from 8 kievs to 15 now, which is annoying as they were £1 a pack...and are now £2 a pack. But I was getting 16 kievs for exactly the same money with the smaller packs. You're meant to get more for buying in bulk, not one less. :(
I worked it out using my wheel I got in my WW Pack :)
Will re-check it though!!!

Ugh I know what you mean about pricing its ridiculous!!!!!

Apetina Feta Cheese 10% Fat - 4PP for a whopping 100gms!

Lovely with baby plum tomatoes, cos lettuce, red onion and cucumer on a Warby's wrap for 8PP :)
If your a Belvita fan, they now do ones sandwiched with natural yogurt in the middle, they are delicious ... and 3points a biscuit, you get a pack of 2 for 6points !! A bit pricey, i bought mine from Asda for £2.50 but worth it !!!!!
Wow *Claire-Bear* they sound gorgeous. Have you tried the honey and oats Belvita? They have chocolate chips. 2pp for 1 or 6pp for 4.
Oooo, noooo, everytime i go to buy them, there sold out ... haha ... i will get them one day ..... the choc chip ones sound amazzzingggg :flirt2: thanks for pp reference too ... :cool: