Syns in quesadillas?


Full Member
I went out last night, and in the absence of ANY jacket potatoes or salad, I had quesadillas and chips (It was an American diner, delicious but so not SW friendly..)

I've estimated my syns, but I was wondering if any knows the syns in a quesadilla (I think I had 3..)
Well you'll have to guess the value (unless the nutrition is on the restaurants website)

So that meal is two tortilla wraps (usually smaller so prob 8 syns)
Plus the filling? Probably cheese involved (is that a healthy extra or syned)
Chips - you could base that on a similar restaurant.

But as a guide a 'hungry horse' chain quesadilla meal is 49syns
Asda quesadilla (no chips) is 16syns
I've estimated it based on the syn values of tortillas, cheese and salsa. Didn't come in too high, but still not brilliant!