Tanya's Refeed Diary!! ~* Back On TFR *~

I bet - when do you go? I reckon im guna love it and not wana come back!! :D
I go back Oct 8th. Since I have been going to Turkey for the last 4 years, I just cant bring myself to go anywhere else, I totally love the place and the people.
Well why change to somewhere you might not like hey :)

Im off to bed now my loverly, i'll be back on when am home - thankyou for all the info you have given me about Turkey - its so exciting! :D

Guna try to sleep!!! lol
Well if I dont catch you before you leave, have a super holiday Tanay - I know you will love it.

You're welcome for the info, I could talk about Turkey all day long lol.
LOL!!! :D

Thanks Mary :)

Bye guys - be back in a week :) Think of me at 18:55 taking off :giggle:
Ahhh i am home :sigh: :( I HATE being home - i want to be back there so much!!!! It was above 35degrees C everday day!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

It was amazing!!! I drank faaaarrr too much and actually didnt eat that much and i avoided having too many carbs as thats where i went wrong on my last all inc - i am leaving my weigh in untill friday to assess the damage. i had put on 7lbs before i went away so im guessing probably another 7?!! lol Anyways ...

I am completly knackered today and have got myself some nasty mossie bites that swelled up like a gumball on my leg so am off for some sleep - will post properly tomorrow with some piccies and catch up on all yer threads :)
Welcome home Tanya, glad you had a great holiday and I know the feeling about hating being home, I too hate it when I come home, especially the first few days.

Hopefully you get those mossie bites sorted out chick, nothing worse.
Welcome back Tan - you've been missed :eek:

I'm off for 2 weeks in the morning but will catch up with your news, piccies & things when I'm back. xx
Slap on the antiseptic cream and drink LOADS of water before your weigh-in to flush out the alcohol bloat so you don't scare the bejeezus out of yourself at your weigh-in! LOL!
Glad you had a blast- thats what it's all about!
Well guys here is the link to my holiday pics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=61392&id=285902123&l=eea266c13e i hope it works!! :)

I had a blast - and now i really hate being home. I want to get back out there so much!!!!! :( Im already thinking of where to go next year! haha

Went docs today with my bites, told me off for popping it! :eek: lol and told me that shes not guna give me any antibiotics as they could make my stomach worse but told me to go back on thursday if there is no improvement or sooner if redness starts to appear. So atleast its nothing too serious! :)

Provisionally I have decided i am going back on the shakes on tuesday. 1 week today. Will get them on monday if i do :) I just thought im not going to be happy again untill i am back on them losing the rest of this weight. The sooner i do it the longer i can give myself for refeed in prep for xmas :)

Am not guna weigh myself and just leave it till monday when i go for my shakes or weigh in myself. I will be on TFR on my graduation day but i want to remember that day and so i dont want to drink anyhow. But we shall see.

I have a few days to really think whether i am ready to do TFR again. 90% of me says yes but 10% of me is still saying no.

Anyways, have i missed much since i have been away? :)
Who-hoo!!! Check out Tanya in her bikini!! Go girl!! Did you take enough pics do you think? LOL!

As for TFR, as you said, you've a few days to think about it. Mull it over and see how your WI goes. Good luck!
haha irish - i have well over 200 but have only put some up on facebook LOL!!!!!
Good luck whatever you decide to do Tanya. Your pics on Facebook look really good, looks like you and your friend had a fantastic time. Gutted to be home I bet.
Extremely gutted!! :(
Since i've been back from hols, food has been bad - today not as bad as others, atleast i havent touched any crisps today (they are my downfall!!)

I have made my decision, and i am going back on TFR as of tuesday :) I will be on TFR over my graduation but i dont think im guna be happy untill im on the road to shifting the rest of my weight - im guna just carry on munching and being naughty with food because i know im going back on the shakes!

But here is to damage control - ive got 3 days untill i go to get my shakes on monday and have my weigh in - 10 weeks after my last weigh in with the chemist. Im guessing i've put on around 1st 7lbs ... i'm praying its not much more :S Mind you, ive had a darn good summer!! :giggle:
Best of luck Tanya, you have done really well. Good luck with starting the shakes again.

I am starting re-feed in 5 weeks, so so scared!!! How soon do you go back into your old eating habits. Is it really possible to loose all our weight and maintain??? Sometimes wish I could stay on the shakes forever, it is darn sight easier than having to have will-power where food is concerned, when you know u can eat!!
Hi liz - eating habits will be around for a very long time, they dont change over night. And as for losing weight and keeping it off you only have to look at Mary and Jan to know that it can be done :) They are definatly my inspiration and i hope they are still on here once i am done with TFR for good :) Go have a read of their diaries :) x