Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Hi WannaB. Glad you popped in. Hey I'm sure there's a space open in the team if you'd like to join for a few weeks?
Nelli and Hypa - I don't think the others are still on the diet so I'll advertise for new team members later in the week. Still us 3 have all had good losses so maybe we'll win this week!
Ok :) if you'll have me, I'd love to come back! I'll be on CD until I go on holiday (4 weeks) on SS+ for another week and then 810 so should hopefully have some good losses to contribute. I miss you guys :)

Is it Monday you have to post the losses? If so, I'll post tomorrow - I have already lost 8lbs this week so far :D who knows, maybe I can make it 9 tomorrow! It's week 3 for me but I had a crummy loss in week 1, week 2 I STS due to a little cheat in the middle, so that's why I've had such a good one this week methinks.

well done wannabe . God to see your getting closer to your chosen goal. For some reason today I have felt hungry but I have not given in and I am still in ketosis but it is TOTM so maybe cause of that. Not giving in to the evil temptation monster lol.
Thanks hun, and well done on sticking with it. TOTM is a blinkin' nightmare so just keep fighting it and you'll feel great once you come out the other side. :) sending lots of willpower your way xxx
thanks hun i need it at the moment but not giving in. sometimes i dream of food just stuff like stirfrys or chicken lol. weird how not eating makes you dream of healthy foods.
WannaB - it's Sunday so you've missed this week I'm afraid.
Hypa - I know what you mean. It does mean that when you eat again you are very satisfied with healthy food.
Oh pants :( well I WI on Wednesdays now so I guess I'll post this week's results when I get them - shame that as I had a fab loss last week!

I know! Very frustrating.

I might be leaving the CD family. Had an appointment with a GP today who thinks that there is something wrong with my thyroid - hence the slow weight loss. He's told me to come off CD and just eat a low-ish carb 1200 cal diet. I havent decided what to do yet...I'll get lots of test results in a week or so and things may be clearer then.
Oh noooo hun that's pants!! But at least it gives an explanation for your slower losses - must be a 'relief' in a way (not sure that's quite the right word to use as finding out you have a thyroid issue isn't the best news to get, but at least it's controllable with medication). Hope the tests come back ok though - keeping my fingers crossed for ya.

I hit BMI 25 today (well BMI 24.9 to be precise) which was really exciting! Do you remember when I got there before, only to come off the diet a day later and put it all back on? Well, I'm not gonna let that happen this time and I'm going to keep going for another 7lbs-1st, depending on where I feel happy.

WI has been pushed back to Thurs pm so will speak to CDC and see if she's happy for me just to do 810 til I get there. For now will stick with SS+ til my official WI is done :)

How's everyone else doing?
Hi everyone! I'm pretty much off CD now and will be next week once my sachets run out. Who wants to take over the team?
Thanks Anna hun - well done to you! Coley, sorry to hear you're leaving. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to be leader as I'm only here myself for another week or two and I have too many commtiments at the moment as it is - don't know how you manage Coley hun.

I'm now at 10.12 and only 5lbs from my final goal (I already reached that at 11st but re-set it to 10.7). So exciting!

I'm not really around a lot myself to run it what about nelli
I suppose the other option is that you agree to close the team and join another one - or you advertise for a team leader.

Sorry girls I do wish I could have stayed with you and seen it through. I've enjoyed being a member of this team. x
coley before you go could i have your email address perhaps pm me it so we can keep in touch