Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Good for you Anna! Yeah I'm still hanging around. I dropped 1.5 this week too on my new diet. Felt funny having nowhere to record it! Are you over 6 stone down now?
only lost half guys but i had a blip tues n weds so despite having blip i think its good to have a loss
Hi Ladies

Sorry I haven't been on - I haven't been keeping to Cambridge either. Managed fine for over a week - had a good lose - and then another blip threw me over the edge. The good news is that while I feel FAT - the scales don't agree and my clothes feel fine.

This week has been a bit better and I think I have adjusted my frame of mind to a bit more positive It's really been strange because I never have been one for letting things get me down, but I don't seem to have been able to help myself this past while. Maybe it's an age thing :)

Anyhoo - hopefully you are all doing well. Great about the 6 stone Anna - you must feel fabulous. I am so glad your new diet is working Claire - and if Wannabe is looking in - Hi there - I am pleased you are so near the end.

I still have a couple of stones to deal with and and am planning a meeting with my CDC on Monday to discuss tactics. Wish me luck - I need it.

Love Nelli
Just sent this to Irene...

Hi Irene

No results for team 14 this week. I'm no longer on Cambridge so can't be team leader and everyone else is too busy to do it. I think they are deciding what to do. We might just keep it as a chat thread as we have got attached to each other.

Claire x
I'll come back!
Ok rephrase that...I am back and starting again tomorrow..I was here before too and a team member :D
Hi MR2. You are welcome back - once we figure out what we are doing!

Have heard back from Irene and, if I understand it right, I can continue being team leader and include my weigh in to make up numbers.

Are you guys bothered about the team weigh ins? The bit I have found useful (as well as the general support) is the weekly reporting in here on this thread. Do you want to just carry on doing that?
Hi Claire and the girls

I want to keep coming on the thread - and I want to lose the rest of my weight. Have got my packs etc and ready to go with the ss'ing.

Got my car vandalised in Manchester while down for a meeting on Friday - they stole my phone, sat nav etc. My laptop remained untouched thank goodness - but it was all a pain in the neck. Pretty much par for my course just now though.

On the bright side, we've booked our holiday for August - so diet here I come.

Hi Ladies - just got my blood tests results and I do have thyroid problems! That explain A LOT!

Nelli - Bad news about the theft but good about the holiday. Where are you off to?
Hi Claire we are heading to Florida again. Hubby's home town. My bf, her husband and our God children coming too. I am so excited.

Sorry to hear about your thyroid - hopefully they can do something about it. It says a lot for you having managed to lose so much with that kicking up in the background.

We have a houseful for Easter - so I am not being as good as I should. Still have a really bad cold which means I cannot taste anything so I'm not being a bad as I might have been either :)

Happy Easter to everyone.

Happy Easter to you to! Have never been to Florida but my fella raves about it - that's more to do with his obsession with theme parks and rides.

Started taking my thyroid medication today. I do wonder how it'll affect my weight loss. We shall see...
Hey gang!

Coley - sorry to hear bout your thyroid - hopefully once it is stabilised it will make it easier for you to lose weight eh!? Fingers crossed for you hun!

Just got back from Gran Canaria and it was lovely - though I ate far too much and I now realise just how cold England is :( wish I lived abroad sometimes!

Hi All
Hope you have had a good Easter. Hope the medication helps Claire. We've had some good weather in the north - guests now gone so I need to do some clearing up and get to grips with planning my exercise for the week.