Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

hey all,

I've been about but not online much for me! I've been very very naughty, not had any CD packs and eaten what I wanted for the past 2 days :( oops. But hey, we're all human and eating proper food has helped me to feel better just admitedly I havent chosen the right things!!!
We only human after all and sometimes we can't stop ourselves from eating but get back on the wagon in morning . Then you will get back into ketosis ASAP. Good luck with the following week
Well done Anna and everyone. Hope you are all doing well today and that MR2 you are back on the wagon.

I had a bad weekend in that I was cold, tired, fed up and HUNGRY. I even checked ketosis, but the stick was pink as pink can be. To make matters worse hopping off and on the scales wasn't showing any indication of a fabulous weight loss happening this week (still isn't). I was even starting to think that a little food might not do any harm - however I convinced myself that I should re-assess tomorrow (end of week 9) if I still feel so bad. Guess what - I don't.

One of the things that helped. A while back I bought a silky top in Marks and it was way too tight. As things tended to do around here, it lay in a bag for months and then a friend was returning something and I asked her to take it. It cost £29 - but because the receipt was so out of date they offered her the sale price of £9 - so she brought it back. When I started the diet, I thought at least it will fit in a while and hung it up. This morning I decided to put it under my suit - but ...


Congratulations Nelli! It's things like that, that keep us going. Must've felt great.

I think that we all have a naughty voice in our head trying to persuade us to give up. It'll say anything just to get that addictive eating back.

I feel hungry quite often I suppose but I know it isn't real hunger so I just feel it and don't eat. I also know that when I'm tired I crave potato because my body wants the energy.

Do you know what I worked out today though? If I stay on this til Christmas and lose 3 pounds a week I'll have lost 18 more pounds! - I'll be nearly at 50 pounds down. This diet ain't as fast for me as it is for others but if you keep going you'll get there!
Hey girls,

Well, I have had my first WI.... please see my thread on the main CD forum (is quite long!) but...


Am I a record-holder?!?!? Have never, ever lost this much in week 1 on CD!! Madness!

Thats my official CDC WI too, and I got on and off the scales several times due to my disbelief. Am chucking out my scales and using only hers from now on, as mine are unreliable at the best of times, and hers are my newfound friends!!

Tell me about it! I am in shock tbh! No wonder I've dropped to a loose 14 dress size (was a tight 14-loose 16 before) and all my clothes are too big so I'm now in what were my 'skinny' clothes that I haven't worn for about 7 years!!!

wow well done wannab! That is fab fab fab fab :D x
Sorry, but I am not adding much this week - a miserable 2lb. I was soo disappointed this morning after being so good - still nothing much for it other than to hope for more next week.
On the plus side I did get into a skirt and a suit which I didn't expect to. Also start my yoga next Monday - don't know if that will help or not - but heres hoping.
Nelli - 2 pounds is great! Especially after you've already lost 40! Cast your mind back to my NO loss week! You did way better than that!
Thanks Claire - You are completely right and I should stop moaning - I am not exercising at all so I guess if I could get a grip on that it might help. I am not mad about the gym at all and the weather isn't very good for cycling, so I have big hopes that yoga will be good for me and hopefully catch my imagination so I become obsessed (only half kidding there).
Are you all ready for the off - my friend was in Tenerife last week.
Nelli - I'm getting there. Nearly ready to go. Have been trying on old clothes that suddenly fit again! Am starting to wear clothes because I like them not just because they fit! Can you send me your email addy so I can email you the spread sheet on Thurs night? Ta.

I think Cass has gone awol so we have another space free in the team. So at the moment we are - me, WannaBslim (who's going to BE slim in about an hour at the rate she is losing!), MR2, Nelli and Hypa. How's it going ladies?
heya ladies and gents,

Well done on all the wonderful weight losses.I am happy to report -11 I lost more this week than last week weird eh this is my second week in shock still:eek: