Team sandybums

5lbs this week my first week on ss+ cons not here for a week now.
Wow tinkerbellsmum that's fab, go u. I hoping for 4 tonight. Wanna get weighed now. Gemma let us no the name of that oil/cream sounds amazing I really want my stretch marks to go. They're 11 years old lol!! Faded well but still there. And really don't want any new ones.

Think I may try that toning belt too if u recommend it beckia (and it's not too pricey) what's it called?

Can't wait til 5.30pm bring it on lol!!! x
P.s thanks for the luck everyone x
Ru2thys having her WI now!! Let us know asap ru2thy x
Guys I'm really really struggling here!!! I have even ha an extra pack today!!! :-( I am literally about to go to the shop n buy chocolate or some real dinner!!!! This is awful I'm only on day 12 it's like I just don't want to do it any more! I'm trying to tell myself to stay strong atleast until WI sat morning and then decide from there. I'm home alone which is rare my dd is staying at nannys and oh went home to visit family for a week today. My boobs are killing me n I'm driving myself crazy wanting to know if I'm pregnant this month etc

I've had a bit of a crap week I'm not sure how much longer I can afford cd as I've ha a major income cut (but can afford it for now so it's just an excuse I guess) re the income cut I'm not sure I can afford that holiday I wanted in august which was my whole target :-(

I'm gonna desperately try to watch the soaps n have a long hot soak now the boilers working again!!! N go to bed. Seems like getting the day over n done with as quick as poss may help then I just wake up n have another day the same again and again

Sorry guys it seems a life time ago I was in the main forum starting up this team and here I am dragging it right down! Aarrgh poxy weight issues lifes a *****!
Shell have I caught u in time!! Dont do it, stick at it please. I lost 5lbs this week and u no how I struggled this week. But I can't explain how pleased I am to have not given in and to have lost. It's def motivated me to do another week. U can do it I know u can and u know u can, u did it before. Just think about how pleased u will be on sat. It's only 3 days away, only 2 whole days!! Have a bath and an early night and keep on going!!! X
P.s I'm having the same thing about money and hol. Booked hol end of aug (my motivation too) but now wondering if I can afford it. But hey ho let's just think about today - one day at a time. And if we get to go on hol we wanna be able to make the most of it by being at our best and not worrying about that cossie!
Yay why a fab loss well done u must be so pleased!

Ok I totally fell off the wagon from a great height I'm talking big splurge well bread and chocolate! I now obtaining feel bigger and I genuinely do feel like throwing up (I'm not going to I just really went over board) I'm obviously disappointed in myself but I'm not letting this be the beginning of the end

I have been pining for food since Friday constantly so far while still feeling quite ill I feel I may have just got it out of my system I'm starting a fresh now I'm gonna give it all I can and if I continue as I am I may call it a day with cd for now but I'm still gonna try for now! Obviously it's going to have a detrimental effect on Saturdays WI but here's hoping for a miracle!!!
You've got a few days yet and one blip surely can't make that much difference. I no u prob feel bad but it's how u deal with it that counts. And ur getting straight back on the wagon and u can't do better than that. I don't think it's the blips that affect people it's the returning to the diet after so ur gonna do fine. And if you needed something to eat then u needed it, maybe ur body is lacking some vital nutrient u get in choc, I think mine is too lol. Nearly ate an Easter egg, it's been there since Easter but for some unknown reason I really wanted it today!!

I'm going out sat night so I'm gonna have a blip then! I wonder how much damage I can do in one night??!! I hope I have ur determination on Sunday.

Let's do 100% til sat x
Shell don't worry I fell off wagon to I had Nandos then a bag of eclairs then fudge a huge bar of galaxy crisps fruit and alcohol!!! Gave in we can redraft tomorrow together if u like xx
Hi everyone,
Gemma please let us know the name of the stuff I'm product crazy!!! - My belt is the pink one from argos it was £25 -I've even got it on now as I type! Ive been swimming tonight and for the first time since I started CD I felt hungry but got myself a black coffee and was fine!
Well done Ru2thy on your loss 5lbs is fab!!!!
Shell sorry your not having a good day - sometimes I think if you are constantly having thoughts of eating you need to just to do it and get it out of your system, otherwise its a constant battle - wipe the slate clean and start again tomorrow - drink plenty of water and get the carbs flushed out of your system Saturday is still 3days away! Just think you need to be back in ketosis for our next challenge which starts Saturday good luck - I know how hard it can be - I'm doing fine this time but when I did CD 2 years ago I was fine initially but then had a planned break and just could not do it and it just a mind game - you want to do it then you want to eat, you eat but then you so badly want to do it again but then once your on it you so want to eat and you just go round and round in circles I did for months and ended up wasting loads of money - I was probably heavier in the end cos of all my binges than if I had just said to myself right i'm not doing this and ate normally! Hopefully now though you have got it out of your system and can just move on!
I feel you as well tho cos as you are ttc - your body must be all over the place Im guessing you must be having the 'two week wait' and that it must be really hard to stay focus when you are questioning every difference about your body! - I know you mentionned your boobs are killing have you got any other symptoms?
Ru2thy you are sounding alot more positive today - the money is hard to justify on CD but we all know it works and is worth it but I do find it a squeeze especially as I am also addicted to buying any product that claims to reduce stretch marks, get rid of cellulite, firms anything.
Just wanted to mention as well that although I find the toning belt beneficial I cant guarrantee that everyone else would my inch loss has been fab round my waist this time I dont know the total amount since I started will have to check on my card tomorrow but like I said last week was 2 inches but cant say that is definitely due to toning belt - think its prob a combination of firminator, belt and obv the diet have noticed that my 'baby apron' is almost being sucked in and knickers fitting so much better!
Anyway enough jabbering from me x x
It's called flexitol skin nourishing oil ... If u write to them they may b able to send u samples one year I got a load from an exhibition stand been addicted ever since the spray oil is best an u really can't see my scars now or stretch marks xx
ooooh how exciting! - my hubby will be pleased another product to clutter the bathroom and something else to spend his money on!!! Sorry for all the questions but here goes - How long have you been using it for? where were your stretch marks? and how quickly did it take before you noticed an improvement? How regularly do you use it?
Ok question time over your answers prob wont make a difference cos like I said I'm a product addict anyway dont think my skin will know what to do with itself soon but would love to hear how you got on with it anyway !!!!
Thanks x x
Just had a read through the link and impressive how many natural products its got in it - it must be good!!!
For anyone else interested they have the product which Gemma posted a link for on amazon for £4.79!!!
Thanks gemma and becky. I'm gonna get on amazon and order me some. Let me know how u get on with ur toning belt too I may invest next month if u think it's worth it. How's everyone doing today? X
Back on track so far ladies my heart is not in it tbh. I gained 2 lb over night must be some water weight in there! Anyway still showing an overall loss on my own scales

In terms of symptoms re ttc still got very sore boobs! The rest is really hard to tell as although they are poss pregnancy symptoms they could also be cd related but they are basically extremely tired before never able to sleep now I can sleep and can't get up in the morning constipated increased appetite lol no brainer lots of gas and the odd feelings around my ovaries not cramps just feeling like tugging oh and a new zit! Great huh! Last month I was sure I was pregnant Had all the right symptoms and then good old af came!! Arghh I'm getting desperate n it's only my 3rd cycle trying!! I have one already and Shea turning 6 in July!!!

Anyway back to cd I'm on my first coffee 2 nd shake and 2nd litre of water