Team sandybums

Kiwi and sugarplumfairy well done!!!! Fab losses!!!

I've only got a min having a bad stressful day just work not diet related!!

Haven't tried shake with water yet but png the bar is lush!!!

Lemon yoghurt bar covered in White choc Mmmm it's small but so worth it n curbed my hunger I love it Ooooooo I wanna try all their product now n i'l Defo give that pancake a whirl lol
Amy have u weighed in yet or is it tonight?good luck x
shell09 said:
Kiwi and sugarplumfairy well done!!!! Fab losses!!!

I've only got a min having a bad stressful day just work not diet related!!

Haven't tried shake with water yet but png the bar is lush!!!

Lemon yoghurt bar covered in White choc Mmmm it's small but so worth it n curbed my hunger I love it Ooooooo I wanna try all their product now n i'l Defo give that pancake a whirl lol

Oooo I want to try that bar?? Keep thinking maybe it tastes like cheesecake lol

Well done everyone on your losses :)

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Well done on those fab losses!!

Ive had a really good day :) Resisted a free meal at a lovely restaurant paid for by work, instead I came home after my errands and went for a swim. Only 15mins but did 50 widths, gonna go Sunday and Monday. Then i chilled out in the garden enjoying the sun with a magazine - bliss!

I also trie on all my new size 10 clothes that have arrived for holidays to see how far away I am! They all fit!! I need to lose at least another 7lb to be happy in them but they arent a million miles away!!

Hope your all having a good day :) xx
Yep def the hardest week done! It does get easier. Well done on your loss 6.5 is great.

That's fab about the clothes lil legs. When do u go away? X
on the 18th august... so about 6 weeks! But i have got one planned night off then a planned weekend so im worrying about gaining on those weeks!! Need to start working up the plan in august to stabilise myself with food before i go so i dont pile it all back on straight away!

Need to try and lose as much as possible in July as i dont think ill lose much when i work up the plans!!

What plan/stage are you all on? x
I'm on ss. Gonna stay on it til goal I think and then work up the plans cause I'm sure I won't be losing when I work my way up but it should stop me gaining a massive amount and stop me from stopping ss and just pigging out!! Got 2 more stone to lose going on hol 29th aug and hoping to lose as much as poss before then x
OMG not long got back from my exercise class if you can call it that lol
i am f**ked lol gonna ache like mad in a few days hahaha NO PAIN NO GAIN is my motto :D
i was absolutely wet through with sweat Eeeew gross i know but its all good
love it :)

just realised i havent updated my ticker today yet so i am off to do it now
Update........ Avidlite shake absolutely rancid!!!! Went down the sink I shall not be having any more they ate truly awful!!! I've ordered more bars pancakes omlettes cottage pie and some other bits :)
Morning all or should it be afternoon!! Another joyous day in the office - thankfully it's fri!!

Anyone got any plans for the weekend apart from being 100% obviously lol!!! I was suppose to be going out sat night but declined as I'm desperately trying to get under 11st - my scales said 11.1 this morn and also have no money to go out with anyway!! Ive Neva been under 11 so it's pretty exciting for me!!

Hope everyone has a fab day x
Update........ Avidlite shake absolutely rancid!!!! Went down the sink I shall not be having any more they ate truly awful!!! I've ordered more bars pancakes omlettes cottage pie and some other bits :)

i will remember not to order any shakes lol i prefer bars and the porridge anyway lol
let me know what the cottage pie and omelette is like
i have just placed my next order gone for pancakes again, lemon n yoghurt bar and the spag bol i am sooo looking forward to these :)
A stone is amazing well done!! Good luck all xx
Hi everyone - some fabulous losses being posted, keep up the good work.

I really struggled yesterday and just kept thinking about food all day (although I stayed 100%). Today is going well so far and water is almost done.

Thursday night I went to see Bridesmaids with some girlfriends and if you haven't already seen it, I would thoroughly recommend it. I can honestly say that i haven't seen a funnier film for a good couple of years, we were laughing (or cringing) from the opening creates right through to the closing credits.

DS has gone on an overnight survival camp with scouts and DD is out all day at a Browne thing, so I'm currently enjoying a few hours peace and quiet.

Enjoy your weekends everyone.

C x
hiya everyone hope your all having a fab weekend??
well today i'm doing good CD wise, mood wise though well the hubby has alot to answer for that all he does just lately is moan and go on about the slightest little thing and have a go at me :mad: i feel like i cant do anything right, bloody man feel like knocking him out :copon: :sign0151:
dunno what is going off with him lately, probably his age :D
sorry rambling on abit there right i best crack on before i get shouted at again lol
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Hi all, I'm good been good with diet today but rubbish with water tho!!

Sugarplumfairy I find a taste of their own medicine usually helps. Suck it up today and tomorrow very nicely repeat the same things to him as he said to u today - make sure u use the same words!! It shuts my bloke up when I repeat things back to him!!
He said to me the other day 'why do I have to give u a time when I'll be back I'll be back when I get back' the next day he asked me when I'd be back and I said the same and he was stumped for words. Lol!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend x
I've got a dilemma!! My physio has told me I have to do yoga, aqua and swimming for my legs recovery. Do I try and stay on SS or add in a SS+ meal. As my hubby points out recovery 1st weight loss 2nd.

So do I stay on SS and up exercise see how I go, or just start SS+?? thoughts welcome please!!
Ru2thy oh i do give him a taste of his on medicine & he hates it but it only makes him go one more grumpy old fart lol so i dont do it often hahahaha i will just not do anything for him and see how far that gets him lol he is useless without me he cant cook or anything
