Although i've been a pig i've still kept within syns, but i'd be lying if I said i'd had 1/3 superfree with every meal. Let's be honest, it's just too cold to walk around eating fruit!!

So i'll be happy if i've sts!

And I agree about mums and mental health. My mum thinks they made it up in the 90's!!
ugg sometimes i just wanna slap my mum- she's lovely (at times) but to her, yeah, "those things didn't exist when she was my age". ffs- she's only 50 it's not like she's bloody ancient or anything


anyhoo- tomorrow i'm going to skinny malinx- meeting up with an old uni mate, going there instead of red hot :D
I think that is the same relationship we all have with our mothers!!
This is why I have an "adopted mum" or as I call her, my "emotional mum". She's a friend I met on a game on facebook nearly 3 years ago- she's a little bit older than my mum, she's got kids around my age. She's awesome, and if you need a bit of a shoulder to cry on, she's there, rather than be all negative and in-your-face.

Saying that- she's not "there"- she's in Canada :( but we still talk on the phone (thanks to my international bolt on- cheers 02!) and we inbox each other every night. I went to see her a couple of years ago, spent 3 weeks with her. she's awesome...

hopefully i'm going back next summer- want to do more travelling next time!!
Well done odd sock, I hope you enjoyed putting on though!!
Completely off topic, some people on this forum absolutely do my nut in!!
Weigh in tonight not looking forward to it :( went to Leeds for a few days to look after my nephew and all my meals were s world friendly but I kept picking at his leftovers and considering the child doesn't eat there was a lot lol! Also had an argument with my boyfriend on valentines day of all bloody days and ended up sitting in on my own having a cheese sandwich and 3 biscuits for my tea lol back on track now but dont hold much hope for tonight! Thinking about skipping weigh in, naughty I know :s
acc said:
Think I' ve found it!!!:-S

Yeah....don't want to look like a forum bully so won't go into it, but it temporarily really got my goat!

Aw timtim, hope you made up with him. We had v-day a day late because oh was working, tried to see The Woman in Black last night and it had sold out in 3 cinemas! Ended up driving round for ages then played crazy golf in Liverpool One. He did get me some epic shoes tho!

JezVonSavage said:
Yeah....don't want to look like a forum bully so won't go into it, but it temporarily really got my goat!

Aw timtim, hope you made up with him. We had v-day a day late because oh was working, tried to see The Woman in Black last night and it had sold out in 3 cinemas! Ended up driving round for ages then played crazy golf in Liverpool One. He did get me some epic shoes tho!

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Hiya yeah we made up thanks we never really argue but think it was made worse because it was valentines day lol we went out in Saturday and I got a new hair dryer lol I wanted to see the women in black too but I am a proper scaredy cat don't think it will do me any good lol! Your shoes are fab lucky girl :) x
Gorgeous shoes hun :D I really wanna see that film too but thinking I might just wait for the dvd because its sold out everytime I've tried to book tickets x

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Weigh In tonight :eek:

Think I've put on. If I haven't I'd be happy with a sts!! Grrr.
crossing fingers for you Jez x