Technically obese, but not fat..?!?


New Member
Hi, I'm looking for some help with an issue I'm having. I'm 6'2, stocky and I weigh 17 stone. Apparently this puts me in the obese category.. My problem is I'm not fat. I have a flat stomach (though not rock hard, yet!) and am pretty much solid everywhere else. I cycle, play football, walk.. And yet I'm obese. I'm currently dieting trying to get rid of some of this weight but I have absolutely no idea where it's going to come from, especially if we're talking stones!

sorry for ranting, just trying to get any ideas on what I might be missing.. Nobody believes me when I tell them I'm 17 stone which is the worrying thing, as I keep getting told I shouldn't be trying to lose any more weight. Should I see the doctor?

any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
Yes I think you should check with your doctor. If your body fat % is in a normal zone you may not need to lose any weight. Everybody is different and BMI can be inaccurate especially for men.
Don't look at BMI scales if you're muscular rather than just chubby. :) The chart is not accurate for anyone with a lot of muscle mass because muscle is heavier than fat for the same volume - and sounds like you work out a lot... so, if you're healthy, don't worry.

I mean - think of a bodybuilder - they weigh a MASSIVE amount of weight - YET they are NOT obese or anything close to it!

If you're worried - go to the doctor, or better yet, get a Personal Trainer at the gym! They'll know what to suggest :)
BMI calculations are ridiculous.- muscle weighs more than fat.
You should judge whether you need to lose weight by having your body fat percentage tested.
I'd agree with the others. Get your body fat percentage checked as it will be far more accurate than BMI. Most well built rugby players will be overweight or obese but will have very low body fat. If your body fat is higher than it should be though you may store fat internally round your organs more than externally so it could be hidden.