The Gym


Full Member
Well its day 2 and I made to the gym!! proud of myself but find it embarrassing especially when your the biggest person in there. Oh well I did it anyway.
Good for you Sarah! You will feel much more like exercising after a few days. Don't forget everyone in that gym is there for the same reason, and I don't think many people like exercising in front of people, I know I don't! That's the biggest exercise hurdle over, onwards and downwards now :) xx
Well done Sarah. Go easy on yourself at first. I think in the gym theres a pressure to feel like you've had a go on everything but early days you need to keep it light and simple unless you are used to excersise. Don't be embarrassed everyone starts somewhere and you are doing really well. Just keep going and keep posting, it helps me stay focussed so may help you too x
Yeah, well done Sarah - I always think the hardest thing is getting started.

I have also just started going to the gym and feel as though I'm the least fit there - haven't attempted any weights yet, feel a bit intimidated but hoping to pluck up the courage soon!
Thanks guys:thankyou:

It is so nice and very refreshing to speak with people who know exactly what I mean.

I am realitively fit in my own way just a lot over weight!! I walk dogs everyday as well as roller skating

Killer headache tonight but I know it is just Carb/Sugar withdrawal:argh: