The Headaches!!!


Full Member
So I'm on day one, choc shake and spag Bol down - 2.25litres of water drank and I have now got the "headache"
I have tried sipping water, and I am at work so a hot bath is out of the question.
What does everyone else do to power through it?
It's quite possibly, one of the worst side effects of a vlcd - for me anyway!
Pills are definitely the way to go!
Yeh drug me up baby!!!

I got a killer one today, even had to leave work early - all the more reason for me to stop knocking myself out of ketosis lol :rolleyes:
Yep, I like to go Paracetamol and caffeine with some Ibuprofen too (you can take both together!) and a good amount of water and that helps a lot.
Just keep going! remember that this is not forever, this is a very small percentage of your life compared to the amount of it you'll spend slim!
It's awful I had a headache for the first 5 days no matter how much water I drank. Paracetmol didnt lift it but I found co codomol helped.
I had a headache for the first 2 weeks ( on 4 packs) then I started taking a multi vit and mineral tablet & an omega 3,6,9 capsule - feel much better :-D
Aaaaaw sorry to hear you're suffering. I have no advice as i've never had the headache associated with vlcd's. Just to say i feel for you, and hope you get through it and stay strong.