The Highs and Lows of Development

No problem ix - I've been in developers for 12 weeks now, to be honest I feel like I'm just in one long foundation --- will be doing this until at least July.

How are you struggling? How much have you lost and how much have you still to lose?
I have just seen this thread for the first time and thought I'd post.

I am in development, but I am not really sure if there is anything different for me at all about being in development.

I eat the same boring rubbish packs, I attend the same excellent WI meetings with mostly the same people (plus the odd new starter every couple of weeks) and I lose weight every week (albeit at a slightly slower pace).

I really do not see it as a different phase as there are no differences between Foundation and development, and am at a loss to see why it is treated differently. Can anyone shed light on this?

Hi - good to hear from you both. I'm not sure what the struggle is, a bit of boredom and self sabotage and the structure of our developer groups is not as formal as foundation. Actually since I posted my message on Sunday I've had a much better couple of days - maybe just expressing the struggle is enough and I haven't felt able to do that in the group as much?

Mike, well done...your question was a good one, I need to spend a bit of time working that out - thought records calling!