the hi's and the low's of becoming skinny!


Full Member
Hi everyone,

I did a post yesterday but put it in wrong section so im going to start my diary today on day 2.

Day 1
I had
-maple porridge
-cookies and cream
-chick and mushroom soup
- choco velvet

By the end of work i felt like crying i was so emotional, i hated porridge and shake so i felt like this wasnt going to work for me. But i then tried the soup and loved it! had my tetra as my dessert and it perked me up. I did find i felt teary all evening, did anyone else find this?

Day 2
I have had choco velvet and half spicy tom soup, scrummy! saving rest for later as work is dragging! I feel good today apart from headaches, not overly hungry though so thats a bonus.

How does everyone else cope with cooking for OH? yesterday luckily my OH was home before me so he had a quick pizza and cleared up before i got home and tonight he has some left over chinese for one which he can re heat while i have a bath. I feel like meal times was the only time we sat together and chatted and cooking was a massive part of my life as i really enjoy it. any tips?

jade xx

You will fidn that as time goes on your tastes also change.
I loved banana and chocolate tetras and now cant stand them.

Realised I cant do porridge and defo not some of the soups so i mainly stick with the shakes.

Cook for other half? no I made them join too so I dont have to cook unhealthy meals they crave.

You can always make them some healthier meals from the 100kkcal step?
Hi, thanks for replying. Luckily I live next door to my mum and she has cooked oh this weekend!
So say 3 and I haven't felt hungry once! No horrible symptoms or anything.
Today we have found it hard to do something that doesn't involve food or drink so went to the cinema. Im 23 and most our weekends are filled with going out eating/drinking with friends so this is the most difficult Part!
Have had 2 soups today, choco as hot chocolate and a tetra as ice cream for dessert. Feeling good and positive :)
Day 4- im struggling today. I feel so hungry and sicky, having my dinner already as just so hungry! Hoping it's just a down day, can't wait to go to bed and wake up as a new day! I the only up of my day is my tetra awaiting in the freezer!! Xx
day 5- so far so good! Have had choco mint split into 2 hot chocs and a spicy tomato soup. got frozen tetra and chicken soup for tea and then aqua zumba :)
Going to start ss+ on wed, as im having 4 cwp meals anyway, so looking forward to actually eating something and its only been 5 days. be nice to use to a knife and fork and sit at the dinner table.
So excited for WI on wed :) xx