The Melancholic Hippo: reflective moments.


So i've been calorie counting for a week now. The first 7 days were easy, being by myself most of the time I could weight out ingredients, cook for myself and make sure I never managed to blow a third of my budget on a single unhealthy item. This weekend has been rather poor, mother has been guilt tripping me into eating more this weekend. The fact i'm not eating as much as normal/she does is getting to her and she's really laying the guilt on thick. I don't love her enough to eat, why do I have to make her feel like a fat pig, why do I have to try to be something i'm not, all of that fabulous stuff.

So Saturday I over-ate, considerably. My daily budget is 1,300 and I consumed 2,100 and all of that was on unhealthy, ridiculous items such as cupcakes, chocolate and take-out. At the moment my weight has shot up by 2lbs, i'm going to see how this plays out over the following week to see what happens when I get back on track.

Today is another guilt day unfortunately, i'm trying to be stronger and actually put my foot down without feeling driven to eat out of guilt, but it's hard. It has to be done though, there's no point in being strict 5 out of 7 days, it has to be a lifestyle change, I have to pay attention to what i'm eating otherwise i'll never break out of the cycle. The culture of my family is very food orientated, it is a big slap in the face to not eat what relatives give you so it's a learning process not only for me, but for them that the way they view food and the place they put it in our lives is not what is best for me. I can't control their eating habits, but I should be able to control mine without feeling guilty about it.

We'll see what happens, hopefully my "I really would prefer a small plate today, and no pudding please" will be taken on board.

I'm looking at the photos I took of myself at the start of the week, the swimming costume leaves no place to hide and it's not how I want to remain. I'm meeting a friend from another forum for the first time mid-September and I want to try and get down to the 180's by then. Not much of a difference, but enough for me to feel a bit better about my weight.
Hello and welcome :)

I can REALLY relate to your problems. I have been on and off calorie counting since 2010, at first my mum was supportive as I was very depressed at how much I weighed and she herself wanted me to get fit and healthy. I managed to get down to 8 and a half stone from nearly 12 and I felt really good about myself for once and more importantly I felt healthy.

I started to stop calorie counting as much and gave up exercise completely for a few months which resulted in a rapid weight gain. I have been trying for weeks to eat healthier however my family is the same, very food orientated. We usually have 'take away friday' and 'sunday dinner' every week, my mum is a great cook and the portion sizes are quite large which hasn't helped my weight at all. I am scared to say no to big dinners or take aways, I feel that my family get disappointed in me for choosing weight loss over family food time, which is something I obviously really enjoy myself however I am slowly taking small steps to take control of what I am eating. We have had a few BBQ's and at first I just ate what was given to me however now I choose the healthier lower calorie option burger bun and have a large salad with maybe one meat BBQ option with no alcohol.

Just wanted you to know there are others in the same position as you on this one and that we can all help each other to get to our goal :)

Hi guys- I have a similar situation too- I love good food, eating out, trying new places and socialising over dinner. Although it is tricky in the beginning and I do still come across some awkward situations, I think CC probably suits us best of all the plans because it does give you the flexibility to participate in the social occasions as long as you adjust the rest of your day/week around it. Nothing is banned which is good because I could never give up a particular food group something up entirely.

I think one of the trickiest situations to dodge is when a relative/friend prepares and plates up something for you. Luckily when my bfs family does Sunday lunch its usually a serve yourself affair so I have control over what I put on my plate etc.

I don't think your weekend was too bad at all, I often have a higher total calorie sum over the weekend- it probably helps your metabolism keep ticking over and as long as you aren't going totally doolally I don't think it will ruin your overall downward trend. I try to be strict 5/7 days as I find being in the more regimental work routine helps me- but I will still usually have at least one meal out/social occasion a week and several client lunches where I have to be more flexible. On the weekends, sometimes I count, sometimes I don't, but I think as long as you don't fall totally off the wagon and have an insane blow out (or to be fair - even if you do) if you start back fresh on the Monday and keep it consistent it will work! I agree it is a change in lifestyle/mindset - and I think by remaining rational and consistent with your family if they challenge you will mean they eventually accept that this is the way forward for you and as you rightly say- it is your choice what you do and do not eat.

Anywho I will be sticking around- good luck :) :D
Good to see others are in the same situation. Today I have this exact problem to cope with. My mum and OH wants to use up the bacon and leeks we have so they want to cook a cheese, bacon and leek pasta bake. I couldn't say no because they both really wanted to have it :-( I said could I cook it because then I can control my own portion size which is a start. I'll be having a big salad with a small amount of the pasta bake although it's one of my favourite dishes!