The Minimins Running Team - Runaholics Anonymous

I wish! Haven't run in weeks so that alone will meN starting again but it snowed all day yesterday here! Haven't looked out the window yet ;)
Erghhhh it's so miserable outside!!! Don't wanna run :( haha. Need to get out there by 9.30 so got 2 hours to find where I put that batch of motivation... :p

Ooooh snow!!! We don't have any :( lol
Did it with great difficulty to get out the door!

3.78 distance intervals

Next run is tomorrow - before weigh in eek! That will be a straight 3 miles on the Nike schedule

Total: 86.5 miles
6.2 miles - 10k conquered this morning and my fastest one yet! Down to 1hr 2mins....the aim is to do it in 55 minutes on race day (9th March)

Total: 92.8 miles
Eeek skipped Fridays run was raining!! But hoping to get out there Saturday. New running shoes need to be tested so am very motivated to get out there!


Just hoping this horrific wind calms during the day.... :-/ horrible storm tonight!!!
6 miles done this morning =)

Total: 98.8 miles!!

I think I need to rename this thread! Lol

Next run is Tuesday morning for 4 miles. Then 6 miles again on Wednesday and I need to try get it to 57minutes total =D need to get to 50 by race day...I'd be ecstatic with that!! All about the speed training =) impossible to consciously speed up and slow down without the guidance.
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Your doing so well Lauren!

I've signed up to a thurs night ladies run/spin so I'm going this week! It'll kill me but I've gotta get out there!
Oooh that sounds interesting!!! Let us know how it goes :D I love a good sweat session! Don't really get that running outdoors in winter :D

Doing 10k again tomorrow, wanna get it down to 60 minutes. Feeling motivaaaaated!!! *rocky theme tune*
I wish the weather was better and that I had more 'me' time! I love it when I'm out but it's the thought of going that I need to overcome again.

Could of gone today but I'm working late :(
I'm going for a run today after a smear test (oh goody). I'm going to see how far I get as I have a 5k mapped out and need to build back up, so either to the signal point or bridge. I'll see how I feel. You can tell I run by a railway track!
Horrah!! First run in 4 weeks today!!

3.5 miles in 36.22, not bad after all that time off but my knee did twinge near the end, hope its ok tomorrow!!
Aww hope the knee is better tomorrow!!

I feel bad that I deliberately skived off the scheduled run today and yesterday. I've been a hormonal mess! I didn't want to get out of bed was really depressed. However tomorrow is my day off, and committed to another 10k with my friend at 10am so no choice but to go do it and feel great about it! Really excited to break the 60 minutes mark....we have to push and do it!!! We never push ourselves so it'll be mile 3 then mile 5 running at a fast pace....eeeek =D

Not sure what to change this thread's name to...but it'll probably be different when you all check it soon =D
Nice name!!

I'm scared to get out if bed, I usually have more pain the second day so I will know shortly how it feels! Just hope I'm ok for this run/spin tonight!
Best thing to do is gentle stretches throughout the day. Last thing you wanna do is let your knee 'go into shock' with sudden vigorous exercise tonight :) :) hope you get to go, I blooming looooooved when I used to do spinning!!!

About to go out and do my 10k....erghhhhh!! Suddenly not in the mood =-|
How did you get on?

My knee is 'meh', its definately sore going upstairs so its weight baring thats the problem. Spinning will be fine being stable but the running i'm not so sure of! Its only a mile to spinning so I couls always speed walk, the slowest group is doing 13 min miles so i'm sure I could power walk and run a bit if its that sore! We will see tonight!!
You had fun then? Jealous!!!!

Did my fastest 10k today am so happy. Was a hard one the wind was brutal.

10k in 1hr 4minutes. Got two weeks left to get it to 59 minutes! :D want it under an hour lol.
I did! A deep dark competitive side of me came out tonight, I like to think I'm pretty good when it comes to going up hill, and tonight I overtook about 5 of the group going into 3rd place (not that it's a race) but people started to overtake me downhill (which I hate!) I wasn't for letting that happen and I realised tonight that I actually can 'run' and not jog when I try. I was striding along better than I've ever done!!!

Spinning after 2 miles at my probably race pace was hard but I loved it, nice to hear my friends saying after 'bloody hell your legs were going that fast your bike nearly blew off' and then a nice 1 mile under 10 mins back to the car.

Only trouble? I've eaten awful tonight since I got back! Ho hum!!!!