The moment i knew i was strong enough to do a VLCD


Full Member
So this evening has been the moment I realised I could actually do this diet!

It gave me the idea for this thread!


"I knew I could actually do this diet when...... The husband, our two girls and I went for tea at my dads... To find he had made.... Fish and potato home made pie with garden fresh peas and a pea ju followed by raspberry and blackberry millefeuille with a hot chocolate sauce - not a morsel has passed my lips! I have sat and fed my girls and actualy enjoyed watching everyone else lavish in how delicious it must of been - knowing, when I lose my weight, I will most probably be able to enjoy it also, in moderation ofcourse! It triggered a though - I have read comments about the food still bein here when the diet is completed - but it never sunk in - until just now!"

I feel a little but proud of me!!

Your turn!!!
Well done!!

I knew i could do this diet when i paid £50 for a Gastric Band consultation. Sat through an hour of a slim, very plastic woman selling me weight loss surgery. I knew then I didn't need that, it didn't seem like the easier option at all. If i really want to spend 6 thousand pounds, i'll get my boobs and tummy done when i've lost the weight :)
Great thread!!

I knew I could do this diet when ........................I went out for my all to frequent chinese buffet eat all you can job (and I really did believe in anything less than two overflowing plates was poor value for money!). After the meal whilst waiting in the foyer I caught sight of a reflection, did a double take because it was MY reflection and not the 5ft life size buddha I was standing next to! I diet defining moment indeed and ive never been back to the restaurant.
I knew I could do it when I got through the Easter weekend without a roast dinner and with all my easter eggs in their boxes :D
The moment i knew i was strong enough to do a VLCD ....was when i started the diet that day and it wasnt a monday AND my period was due AND i had a stressful appointment coming up .....all those previously would have made me say wait until, wait until, wait more wait untils!