The person below me game

No Not yet ... (Re Colleen ... ? Staying in Dancing on Ice)

TPBM is wearing slippers
Sure am (but couldn't eat a whole one)

(waves back!!!!are you on a night?)

TPBM is on the phone
Nope - tuna

TPBM is drinking water
No - wed's my day.

TPBM has a family birthday next week
Yep - aero egg yesterday

TPBM has stuck rigidly to plan all weekend
Not on TFR I'm not ;)

TPBM knows how to swim
No, I think I sold it at a car boot sale!

The person below me loves shoes.
Yep, Gibraltar on the 26th April :)

TPBM owns a car
Ooooh no, not at all! lol

TPBM has been abroad more than twice