The person below me game

No - blinds are closed.

The person below me is on the phone
GRRRR!! Caught!! I've just had a crunchie!! :( :(

The person below me is sitting on a hard chair
No not yet

The person below me has 2 pets
Okay - where's the camera!!!!

The person below me has a sore back
No.............back is fine.

Mystic Mary Let me try for another one.

The person below me is wearing slippers.
Sorry,no - stocking feet, don't bring slippers with me.

The person below me is a smoker (okay that's a TINY cheat :))
Yes I did - enjoyed it too!

The person below me has been in hospital twice in their life.
No - sleeping and swimming lesson

The person below me is glad to be going to work today
no can't afford to skive - I work freelance
The person below me is sipping Tea
Oh I love the news.
The person below me is putting on a warm jumper