The person below me game if lol

tpbm is going to make a cup of tea

(im from the mids)
yep....lots of new books

tpbm is going christmas shopping tomorrow
not really.. got a horrible day of work and school ahead of me !

TPBM likes to sing.
not a bad day so far but it only just started for me !

TPBM is planning on having chicken for dinner.
lol posted the same time ! and i can't figure out how to delete !!
im having sweet and sour for my dinner

tpbm is very cold
yes i have, several times and i see a clairvoyant/medium regular

tpbm is going to put their pjs on
No i dont got so many other things to do could do with a day off..

tpbm is going to have a late healthy snack
Just had a hifi bar and a handful of cherry tomatoes...omnomnom

TPBM records on their sky plus box just to watch without adverts...