The person below me game

Yes 2 teens
Tpbm finds planet earth live annoying

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I don't get the hype about it tbh

tpbm dislikes Monday
Oh yes really pees me off
TPBM is wearing something black today
Nope had a nice shake lol

tpbm secretly loved the 90's.
I was in a daze most of the 90s getting married and having kids, it all passed by in a blur of midnight feeds and smelly nappies!

Tpbm, sneaks a peak on minimins when they are supposed to be working.

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Yep, or in my case revising!
Tpbm is left-handed
Oh my goodness! I am!

Tpbm had salad for lunch

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Sure do, just wish I had more time!

Tpbm thinks rice cakes are stinky

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Only my identification badge for work.

Tpbm wears odd socks

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Love it! It's my dream job. Esp when I have 2 hrs off Mon afternoons.

Tpbm often finds themselves randomly singing theme tunes to kids tv shows

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Don't mind spiders :) Hubby always calls on me to save him!

Tpbm fancies a nice cuppa tea

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is that an offer ;) lol

tpbm has been to America
Yep, went to Orlando four years ago with my cousins :)
Tpbm hates housework