The person below me game

No party tonight on my thread though Kate has one on hers.

Tpbm has a pet house plant

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No, no house plants I always kill em
TPBM has a very special friend
Male or female?

Tpbm has bought something off of groupon.

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Got a white bra on.

Tpbm can hear fireworks

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Loved watching telly with my son. Making memories he can share with his kids

Tpbm is wearing blue

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Depends on the scent - lavender scented ones are lovely, while orange scented ones make me feel queasy. Not sure why.
TPBM has ridden a horse
Not properly, would love to though.

Tpbm passed their driving test first time

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I do :)

Tpbm has been to Asia
Lived in India from the ages of 15 - 30.

Tpbm has an extra jumper on today.

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Jeszee said:
do cardigans count?
Yes! its freezing here too

And yes. I went out for lunch.

Tpbm has regular pedicures

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A warm sunny beach!

Tpbm likes the mountains more than the beach

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