The person below me game

yes i am but dont have one.

TPBM dyes there hair
Not a scrap. ( checked bra and knickers first)

Tpbm is going out tonight

Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Not had one for ages!

Tpbm is watching telly.
Yep, though skipped most of the naughty bits.

Tpbm has booked a holiday somewhere they have never been before this year
Nope not read it and not interested in the books, don't want to be a sheep :p

TPBM is working this weekend x

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I was up very early today.

TPBM saw the sunshine today.
I did, my friend was carrying it!

Tpbm is not looking forward to school holidays starting