The person below me game

Nope .. Cambridge diet for me :D

The person below me is a parent

I do but it gives me migraines.

TPBM has dropped a dress size.
I only wear elasticated bottoms and can't afford any new tops so I can't say with absolutely certainty that I've dropped a dress size but, given that I've lost 4 stone, I should flippin' hope so!

The person below me likes sun-dried tomatoes.
Lol. Indeed I do. I have loads n loads of high heeled shoes but I never wear them. I just live in flats.

Tpbm has an early start tomorrow.
not this weekend but maybe during the week when I am on holiday :D

TPBM ...... loves pickles
Indeed I do. Can't have them on this diet I'm on tho :(

Tpbm has pink lipstick.
Yep! I'm a bit of a magazine addict currently subscribed to Cosmopolitain, Heat, Glamour and Star magazine!!

The person below me has had a massive loss this week!

Absolutely correct!!!

Tpbm is not far away from their own personal weight target
I wish! I'm on Cambridge so no recipes whatsoever for me. I may go all out and have a bottle of sparkling water though!

The person below me had a crush on a teacher at school.