The person below me game

They are okay I suppose but it wouldn't be in my top three of days out!

TPBM prefers fruit to vegetables.
Not really. Boxing day is good down my cousins house :D

Tpbm has an Ann Summers outfit ;)
Nope, I dress depending on what I'm doing that day - suits for work, trousers for the shops and PJ's for lazy days :)

TPBM is thinking about booking a holiday
Nope, still live with Mum and Dad - for now. I aim to move out before I'm 30, though. If I can afford to!

TPBM resisted temptation today!
My feet are size 5

Tpbm likes Chinese cuisine the most
I do love Chinese food, but would say that Italian is my favourite international cuisine.

TPBM would usually choose rice instead of pasta.
No, I can just about manage a width of the local pool!

TPBM would have their children educated at a private school if money were no object.